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Method Inventory


classmethod DictionaryCompress(JavaClassDef As %Compiler.LG.JavaClassDef, ByRef mdict)
classmethod GetOpenedObjects() as %Binary [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_GetOpenedObjects ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_GetOpenedObjects
classmethod GetZV(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext) as %Library.String [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_GetZV ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_GetZV
classmethod IsDerivedFrom(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, Class1 As %String, Class2 As %String, ByRef flag As %Boolean) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_IsDerivedFrom ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_IsDerivedFrom
classmethod MethodDefined(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, Class As %String, Method As %String, ByRef flag As %Boolean) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_MethodDefined ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_MethodDefined
classmethod MethodExists(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, Class As %String, Method As %String, ByRef flag As %Boolean) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_MethodExists ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_MethodExists
classmethod ValidateClass(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, Class As %String) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_ValidateClass ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_ValidateClass
classmethod cobjexport(dev, inoref, reg=0, depth=-1, capacity=-1) as %Status
classmethod cobjexportCollection(dev, colloref, reg=0, depth=1000, capacity=10000000000000) as %Status
classmethod constructLGMeta(ByRef list As %List) as %Status
classmethod ddlExport(dev, source As %CacheString, target As %CacheString, dbType As %CacheString) as %Binary [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_ddlExport ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_ddlExport
classmethod getClassDependencies(ClassList As %String, ByRef dependencies As %List, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1, CheckUpToDate As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getClassExists(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef flag As %Boolean) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getClassExists ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getClassExists
classmethod getClassMakeDef(Host As %String, Dir As %String, Class As %String, ByRef MakeDef As %Compiler.LG.ClientMakeDef, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getClassMethods(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Integer = 0) as %Library.List [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getClassMethods ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getClassMethods
classmethod getClassProperties(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 0) as %Library.List [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getClassProperties ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getClassProperties
classmethod getClassQueries(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString, LanguageType As %Integer = 1) as %Library.List [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getClassQueries ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getClassQueries
classmethod getClassReferences(Class As %String, ByRef dependencies As %List, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getClassType(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString) as %Library.String [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getClassType ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getClassType
classmethod getClassUpToDate(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef flag As %Boolean) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getClassUpToDate ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getClassUpToDate
classmethod getClassesForPackage(Package As %String, ByRef classes As %List, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getClientClassDefForProp(Class As %String, PropName1 As %String, ByRef ClientClassDef As %Compiler.LG.WrapperClassDef, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getCountMethods(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef Count As %Integer, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod getCountProperties(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef Count As %Integer, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getCountQueries(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef Count As %Integer, LanguageType As %Integer = 1) as %Status
classmethod getDebugJavaClassDef(Class As %String, ByRef JavaClassDef As %Compiler.LG.JavaClassDef, Static As %Boolean = 1, UseNames As %Boolean = 1, flags As %String = "", CacheJavaClassDef As %Boolean = 0, ByRef serialState As %Binary = "", instantiate As %Boolean = 1, checkIfUpToDate As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getEJBClassName(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString, ByRef EJBClassName As %String, ByRef StorageType As %Integer) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getEJBClassName ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getEJBClassName
return EJB class name of Class. Input Class Name is Cache. Output Class Name is Java class name of EJB Remote Interface or EJB dependent class representing serial class. Tell whether persistent -1 or serial - 2. Neither is 0.
classmethod getInverse(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, ClassName As %String, PropertyName As %String) as %Library.String [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getInverse ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getInverse
classmethod getJavaClassDef(Class As %String, ByRef JavaClassDef As %Compiler.LG.JavaClassDef, Static As %Boolean = 1, UseNames As %Boolean = 1, flags As %String = "", CacheJavaClassDef As %Boolean = 0, ByRef serialState As %Binary = "", instantiate As %Boolean = 1, checkIfUpToDate As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getJavaClassDef1(Class As %String, ByRef JavaClassDef As %Compiler.LG.JavaClassDef, GenFlags, ByRef serialState, instantiate As %Boolean = 1, checkIfUpToDate As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getJavaClassDef2(Class As %String, ByRef JavaClassDef As %Compiler.LG.JavaClassDef, GenFlags, ByRef serialState, instantiate As %Boolean = 1, checkIfUpToDate As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getJavaClassDefByTable(tablename As %String, ByRef JavaClassDef As %Compiler.LG.JavaClassDef, Static As %Boolean = 1, UseNames As %Boolean = 1, flags As %String = "", CacheJavaClassDef As %Boolean = 0, ByRef serialState As %Binary = "", instantiate As %Boolean = 1, checkIfUpToDate As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getJavaFileName(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, rootDir As %String, ByRef fileName As %String, ByRef dirName As %String) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getJavaFileName ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getJavaFileName
classmethod getJavaLanguageMethods(Class As %String, ByRef stream As %GlobalCharacterStream, port As %String, flags As %String) as %Status
classmethod getJavaPackage(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString) as %Library.String [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getJavaPackage ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getJavaPackage
return java package of class, either Cache' package or value of javapackage parameter '
classmethod getJavaSuperClassName(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef superClassName As %Boolean) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getJavaSuperClassName ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getJavaSuperClassName
classmethod getJobNumber(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, ByRef JobNum As %Integer) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getJobNumber ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getJobNumber
return EJB class name of Class. Input Class Name is Cache. Output Class Name is Java class name of EJB Remote Interface or EJB dependent class representing serial class. Tell whether persistent -1 or serial - 2. Neither is 0.
classmethod getLGMeta(ByRef list As %List, ByRef timestamp As %String, ByRef recalc) as %Status
classmethod getMetaClassDef(Class As %String, ByRef ClientClassDef As %Compiler.LG.MetaClassDef, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod getNewClassMethods(className As %Library.CacheString, ByRef TList, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Integer = 0) as %Library.Status
getClassMethods() (is_class_method, return_cache_type, return_cpp_type, is_literal, method_name, num_args, arg_ii_cache_type, arg_ii_cpp_type, arg_ii_is_literal, arg_ii_is_by_ref arg_ii_name, arg_ii_is_default, arg_ii_def_val)* is_class_method - a boolen that describes whether a method is a class method return_cache_type - Cache' type name of the return type ' return_cpp_type C++ type name of the return type is_literal - a boolean that describes whether the return type is literal method_name - Cache' method name (it should not be filtered) ' num_args - the number of arguments arg_ii_cache_type - Cache' type name of argument ii ' arg_ii_cpp_type - C++ type name of argument ii arg_ii_is_literal - a boolean that describes whether the type of argument ii is literal arg_ii_is_by_ref - a boolean that describes whether argument ii is passed by reference arg_ii_name - Cache' argument name (it should not be filtered) ' arg_ii_is_default - a boolean that describes whether argument ii has a default value arg_ii_def_val - default value of argument ii if it has one and "" otherwise
classmethod getNewClassProperties(className As %Library.CacheString, ByRef TList, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 0) as %Library.Status
getClassProperties() (cache_type, cpp_type, is_literal, name, ii, jj)* cache_type - Cache' type name of the property ' cpp_type - C++ type name of the property is_literal - a boolean that describes whether the property type is literal name - the name of the property (it should not be filtered) ii - the slot of the property in $zobjval jj - the position of the property in slot ii
classmethod getNewClassQueries(className As %Library.CacheString, ByRef TList, LanguageType As %Integer = 1) as %Library.Status
The stored procedure sets a $list (returns it by reference) of the following format: (query name, stored procedure name, number of parameters)* stored procedure name is the name of the ODBC stored procedure that corresponds to the query, and number of parameteres is the number of parameters in the stored procedure.
classmethod getPackageTree(Pkg As %String, ByRef stream As %GlobalCharacterStream, ShowPercent As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod getQueryInfo(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, classname As %Library.CacheString, queryname As %Library.CacheString) as %Library.List [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getQueryInfo ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getQueryInfo
classmethod getSerialState(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString) as %Library.CacheString [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getSerialState ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getSerialState
classmethod getSerialStateFull(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString, fullInfo As %Boolean = 0) as %Library.CacheString [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getSerialStateFull ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getSerialStateFull
classmethod getStaticDictionary(ByRef list As %List) as %Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getStaticDictionary ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getStaticDictionary
classmethod getSubPackages(Pkg As %String, ByRef subpackages As %List) as %Status
classmethod getSuperIsRegistered(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %String, ByRef flag As %Boolean, ByRef superClass As %String) as %Library.Status [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getSuperIsRegistered ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getSuperIsRegistered
classmethod getSupers(phandle As %Library.SQLProcContext, className As %Library.CacheString) as %Library.List [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getSupers ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getSupers
return list of super classes of class
classmethod getVersion() as %Library.Integer [ SQLProc = CPPStoredProc_getVersion ]
Projected as the stored procedure: CPPStoredProc_getVersion
classmethod getWrapperClassDef(Class As %String, ByRef ClientClassDef As %Compiler.LG.WrapperClassDef, LanguageType As %Integer = 1, Static As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod setClassMakeDef(Host As %String, Dir As %String, Class As %String, MakeDef As %Compiler.LG.ClientMakeDef, LanguageType As %Integer = 1) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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