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This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter IMPORTTIMESTAMP = 1969-12-31 19:00:00.0;


property Gateway as %Net.Remote.Gateway;
Property methods: GatewayGet(), GatewayGetSwizzled(), GatewayIsValid(), GatewayNewObject(), GatewaySet()
property StatementCache as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: StatementCacheDisplayToLogical(), StatementCacheGet(), StatementCacheIsValid(), StatementCacheLogicalToDisplay(), StatementCacheLogicalToOdbc(), StatementCacheNormalize(), StatementCacheSet()


final method %Execute0(meth As %String, instanceOrClassName As %ObjectHandle)
final method %Execute0R(meth As %Integer) as %Binary
final method %Execute1(meth As %Integer, ByRef par As %Binary)
final method %Execute1R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary) as %Binary
final method %Execute2(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary)
final method %Execute2R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary) as %Binary
final method %Execute3(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary)
final method %Execute3R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary) as %ObjectHandle
final method %Execute4(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary, ByRef p4 As %Binary)
final method %Execute4R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary, ByRef p4 As %Binary) as %Binary
final method %Execute5R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary, ByRef p4 As %Binary, ByRef p5 As %Binary) as %Binary
final method %Execute6R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary, ByRef p4 As %Binary, ByRef p5 As %Binary, ByRef p6 As %Binary) as %Binary
final method %Execute7R(meth As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Binary, ByRef p2 As %Binary, ByRef p3 As %Binary, ByRef p4 As %Binary, ByRef p5 As %Binary, ByRef p6 As %Binary, ByRef p7 As %Binary) as %Binary
method %OnNew(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Status
Inherited description: This callback method is invoked by the %New() method to provide notification that a new instance of an object is being created.

If this method returns an error then the object will not be created.

It is passed the arguments provided in the %New call. When customizing this method, override the arguments with whatever variables and types you expect to receive from %New(). For example, if you're going to call %New, passing 2 arguments, %OnNew's signature could be:

Method %OnNew(dob as %Date = "", name as %Name = "") as %Status If instead of returning a %Status code this returns an oref and this oref is a subclass of the current class then this oref will be the one returned to the caller of %New method.

final classmethod %ProcessError(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, fun As %String, msgid As %Integer)
method JDBCMessage(msgId As %Integer) as %String
method addByte(p0 As %Integer, p1 As %Binary) as %Integer
method addString(p0 As %Integer, p1 As %String) as %Integer
method cgetBlobBytes(ByRef p0 As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Integer, ByRef p2 As %Integer, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Binary
method cgetClob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method cgetClobSubstr(ByRef p0 As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Integer, ByRef p2 As %Integer, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %String
method cgetString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method closeAll() as %Library.ObjectHandle
method cnext(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method columnCount(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method columnTypeName(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method commit(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method commitXA() as %Library.ObjectHandle
method connect(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method connectWithPropString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method connectXA(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method execQuery(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method execUpdate(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method execute(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method executeParametersBatch(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getArgBlob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method getArgBlobBytes(ByRef p0 As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Integer, ByRef p2 As %Integer, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Binary
method getArgClob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method getArgClobSubstr(ByRef p0 As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Integer, ByRef p2 As %Integer, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %String
method getArgRS(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getBinary(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getBlob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method getBlobBytes(ByRef p0 As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Integer, ByRef p2 As %Integer, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Binary
method getClob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method getClobSubstr(ByRef p0 As %Integer, ByRef p1 As %Integer, ByRef p2 As %Integer, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %String
method getColumnCount(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getColumnDisplaySize(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getColumnName(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getColumnType(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getColumnTypeName(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getColumns(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getCrossReference(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p6 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getDBName(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.String
method getErrorText() as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getExportedKeys(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getGeneratedKeys(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getImportedKeys(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getIndexInfo(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getMoreResults(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getNRows(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getNextResultSet(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef qrc As %Integer = 0) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getParameterClassName(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.String
method getParameterCount(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method getParameterMode(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method getParameterPrecision(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method getParameterScale(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method getParameterType(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method getParameterTypeName(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.String
method getPrecision(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getPrimaryKeys(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getProcedureColumns(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getProcedures(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getQuoteString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.String
method getResultSet(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getRows(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getScale(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getTables(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method getUpdateCount(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method initStrCont(p0 As %Integer) as %Integer
method isAutoIncrement(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method isCaseSensitive(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method isCurrency(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method isNullable(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method isParameterNullable(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method isParameterSigned(ByRef p0 As %Library.Integer, ByRef p1 As %Library.Integer) as %Library.Integer
method isReadOnly(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method isValid(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method isXA() as %Library.ObjectHandle
method prepareCall(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method prepareStatement(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method prepareStatementGK(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method registerOutParameter(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method removeArgLob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method removeConnection(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method removeLob(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Integer
method removeResultSet(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method removeStatement(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method rgetString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method rmStrCont(p0 As %Integer) as %Integer
method rnext(ByRef sind As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method rollback(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method rollbackXA() as %Library.ObjectHandle
method setAutoCommit(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method setBinaryStream(p0 As %Integer, p1 As %Integer) as %Integer
method setCharacterStream(p0 As %Integer, p1 As %Integer) as %Integer
method setString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method setValue(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method setValueDirect(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method setValues(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method setXAMode(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method stgetBinary(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method stgetDate(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method stgetString(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method stgetTime(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method stgetTimestamp(ByRef p0 As %Library.ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %Library.ObjectHandle) as %Library.ObjectHandle
method wasError() as %Library.ObjectHandle

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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