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References an asl key action 'next' operation

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NodeRef = asl(..AslKey.AslMod.Index, $$$aslKEY, ..AslKey.Index, "next", ..Index);
Inherited description: A string which, when evaluated, returns the reference for this node. e.g. "asl(1,..MyType, ..MyIndex, 4)"


property AslKey as AslKey;
The key for this next'ing
Property methods: AslKeyGet(), AslKeyGetSwizzled(), AslKeyIsValid(), AslKeyNewObject(), AslKeySet()
property Index as %Integer;
The index for this next'ing action
Property methods: IndexDisplayToLogical(), IndexGet(), IndexIsValid(), IndexLogicalToDisplay(), IndexNormalize(), IndexSet()


method Arg1() as %String
method IsChunk() as %Boolean
method Limit() as MtVal
The limit at which to stop subscript looping
method SetArg1(arg1 As %String)
method SetAsBitChunk(chunkSub As MtVal, chunk As MtVal)
Set this next to loop over bit chunks, putting the chunk number in chunkSub and the chunk itself in chunk
method SetAsBitChunkConvert(chunkSub As MtVal, chunk As MtVal, sourceKey As AslKey)
Convert IDs iterated by sourceKey into chunk at chunkSub
method SetAsConstant()
Set this next to loop over a constant
method SetAsGivenPower(power As MtVal)
Set this next to use a given power for the power subscript of a bitslice index
method SetAsGivenVal(val As MtVal, sub As MtVal = "")
"Loop" over a subscript at a particular value.
method SetAsPower(power As MtVal)
Set this next to loop over the numeric power subscripts of a bitslice index
method SetBitForm()
method SetLimit(limit As MtVal)
method SetPowerForm()
method SetSub(sub As MtVal)
method SetType(type As %String)
method SetVal(val As MtVal)
method SpecialForm() as %String
Special kinds of looping are described with types here (e.g. "power"/"bit")
method Sub() as MtVal
The value of the looping subscript if subscript looping
method Type() as %String
The type of next'ing (c/a/u/h...)
method Val() as MtVal
The data value at the current loop point

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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