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A reference to the "MAP" substructure of the mts() array

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NodeRef = mts(..MtsStream.MtsQuery.Index,..MtsStream.Index,"MAP",..Imp);
Inherited description: A string which, when evaluated, returns the reference for this node. e.g. "asl(1,..MyType, ..MyIndex, 4)"


property Imp as %Integer;
The internal map pointer identifying the map
Property methods: ImpDisplayToLogical(), ImpGet(), ImpIsValid(), ImpLogicalToDisplay(), ImpNormalize(), ImpSet()
property MtsStream as MtsStream;
The stream which utilizes this map
Property methods: MtsStreamGet(), MtsStreamGetSwizzled(), MtsStreamIsValid(), MtsStreamNewObject(), MtsStreamSet()


method BitsliceScale() as %Integer
The scale of a bitslice map (see DPV2351
method IsBitslice() as %Boolean
True if this map represents a bitslice index
method Ref() as %String
Returns a reference string for this map, without a trailing delimiter
method Structure() as %String
The type code of this map ("B" for bitmap, "S" for bitslice)
method Subscript(index As %Integer) as MtsMapSubscript
References a subcript of this map at index
method SubscriptCount() as %Integer
Returns the number of subscripts in this map

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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