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This is documentation for Caché & Ensemble. See the InterSystems IRIS version of this content.Opens in a new tab

For information on migrating to InterSystems IRISOpens in a new tab, see Why Migrate to InterSystems IRIS?


class %SAML.ProxyRestriction extends %SAML.Condition

ProxyRestriction condition

Property Inventory


property Audience as list of %xsd.anyURI (XMLPROJECTION = "element", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: AudienceBuildValueArray(), AudienceCollectionToDisplay(), AudienceCollectionToOdbc(), AudienceDisplayToCollection(), AudienceDisplayToLogical(), AudienceGet(), AudienceGetObject(), AudienceGetObjectId(), AudienceGetSwizzled(), AudienceIsValid(), AudienceLogicalToDisplay(), AudienceLogicalToOdbc(), AudienceNormalize(), AudienceOdbcToCollection(), AudienceSet(), AudienceSetObject(), AudienceSetObjectId()
property Count as %xsd.nonNegativeInteger (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Property methods: CountDisplayToLogical(), CountGet(), CountIsValid(), CountLogicalToDisplay(), CountNormalize(), CountSet(), CountXSDToLogical()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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