PUT /api/sam/admin/config/backup
This method replaces the current SAM Manager system configuration with the configuration specified by the JSON packet provided.
To use this endpoint, you must log in as a user with access to the %SAM.Admin resource.
Request Example
PUT http://localhost:8080/api/sam/admin/config/backup
The packet provided must have the same schema as the one returned by GET /api/sam/admin/config/backup or by exporting a system configuration using the SAM web portal. For example:
"clusters": [
"name": "local",
"description": "my local cluster",
"targets": [
"instance": "",
"name": "IRIS3",
"description": "IRIS3",
"urlPrefix": "",
"dashboardId": "2"
"alertrules": [
"alert": "test",
"annotations": {
"description": "iris_system_alerts is {{ $value }}"
"expr": "iris_system_alerts{cluster=\"local\"} > 50",
"labels": {
"severity": "critical"
"KeepDays": 2,
"grafanadb": "base64 encoded sqlite3 .dump content"
You must specify a urlPrefix for each target instance. If the target does not include a urlPrefix, you must specify an empty string (""), as above. KeepDays must have a value between 1 and 30 inclusive.
Response Example
If the request packet is incorrectly formatted, the request will fail with a status code of 422 Unprocessable Entity.