var native = null;
if(process.platform == "win32" && process.arch == "x64") {
// winx64
native = require('./bin/winx64/irisnative.node');
} else if (process.platform == "win32" && process.arch == "ia32") {
native = require('./bin/winx86/irisnative.node');
} else if (process.platform == "darwin") {
native = require('./bin/macx64/irisnative.node');
} else if (process.platform == "linux") {
let distro = getLinuxDistro()
console.log('platform = ' + process.platform + ': ' + distro)
if (distro == 'ubuntu') {
native = require('./bin/lnxubuntux64/irisnative.node');
} else if (distro == 'fedora') {
native = require('./bin/lnxrhx64/irisnative.node');
} else if (distro == 'rhx64') {
native = require('./bin/lnxrhx64/irisnative.node');
} else {
// default to RH for now
native = require('./bin/lnxrhx64/irisnative.node');
function getLinuxDistro() {
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
try {
let distro = execSync('lsb_release -is',{encoding:'utf8',stdio:'pipe'});
return distro.replace(/(\r\n\t|\n|\r\t)/gm,"").toLowerCase();
} catch (e) {
return getDistroFromFile();
function getDistroFromFile() {
const fs = require('fs')
try {
let osv = fs.readFileSync('/etc/os-release','utf8');
let lines = osv.split('\n');
let distro = lines.find((element) => { return element.substring(0,element.indexOf('=')) == 'ID' })
return distro.substring(3);
} catch (e) {
return null;
module.exports = native;
* The InterSystems IRIS Native API Module.
* @external "intersystems-iris-native"
* @typedef {Object} connectionInfo
* @property {string} host - the host address
* @property {integer} port - the port number
* @property {string} ns - the IRIS Namespace
* @property {string} user - user name
* @property {string} pwd - password
* @property {boolean} sharedmemory - use shared memory if available, default is true
* An IRIS Native function to establish a connection to an InterSystems IRIS Server. This method returns an instance of Connection.
* @function external:"intersystems-iris-native".createConnection
* @param {connectionInfo} connectionInfo - Object containing connection arguments host, port, namespace, user, password, and sharedmemory
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Connection}
* IRIS Native Connection Class
* @class Connection
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native"
* @hideconstructor
* Close the connection to the IRIS server.
* @function close
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Connection
* @instance
* Create an instance of the Iris class. Returns an instance of Iris.
* @function createIris
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Connection
* @instance
* Check connection status, returns true if the connection is closed, false otherwise.
* @function isClosed
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Connection
* @returns {boolean}
* @instance
* IRIS Native IRIS Class
* @class Iris
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native"
* @hideconstructor
* Get the value of a global array node, returns null if the node is not defined.
* @function get
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {any}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Get the boolean value of a global array node, returns null if the node is not defined.
* @function getBoolean
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {boolean}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Get the value of a global array node as an ArrayBuffer, returns null if the node is not defined.
* @function getBytes
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {ArrayBuffer}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Get the API version string as major.minor.patch
* @function getAPIVersion
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @returns {string}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Get the numeric value of a global array node, returns null if the node is not defined.
* @function getNumber
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {number}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Get the IRIS Server's version string.
* @function getServerVersion
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @returns {string}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Get the value of a global array node as a string, returns null if the node is not defined.
* @function getString
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {string}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Set the value of a global array node.
* @function set
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string|number|true|false|NULL} value - the value to assign to the global array
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Call a method in a class that returns a value.
* @function classMethodValue
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @oaram {string} className - the name of the class in which the method is implemented
* @param {string} methodName - the name of the method to call
* @param {...any} argument - arguments to pass to the method, zero one or more.
* @returns {any} - the class method's return value
* @throws exception
* @instance
* Call a method in a class without returning a value.
* @function classMethodVoid
* @oaram {string} className - the name of the class in which the method is implemented
* @param {string} methodName - the name of the method to call
* @param {...any} argument - arguments to pass to the method, zero one or more.
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Invoke a function in a routine.
* @function function
* @param {string} routineName - the name of the routine in which the function is implemented
* @param {string} functionName - the name of the function to invoke
* @param {...any} argument - zero, one or more arguments to pass to the function
* @returns {any} - the function's return value
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Invoke a procedure (no value is returned) in a routine.
* @function procedure
* @param {string} routineName - the name of the routine in which the procedure is implemented
* @param {string} procedureName - the name of the procedure to invoke
* @param {...any} argument - zero, one or more arguments to pass to the procedure
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Increment the value of a global array node.
* @function increment
* @param {number} incrementBy - the amount to increment the global array node by
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {number}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Check to see if a global array node is defined.
* @function isDefined
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {number} - 0 if the global array node is not defined, 1 if it is defined and has no subordinate nodes, 10 if not defined but has subordinate nodes, 11 if defined and has subordinate nodes.
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Kill a global array node.
* @function kill
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Lock a global array. The lockMode argument specifies whether any previously held locks should be released.
* This method will time out after a predefined interval if the lock cannot be acquired.
* NOTE: The lockReference value must begin with '^' to acquire a lock on a global node.
* @function lock
* @param {string} lockType - 'S' for shared lock and 'E' for an escalating lock
* @param {integer} timeout - the number of seconds before the attempt to acquire the lock will timeout
* @param {string} lockReference - a leading '^' is required for global array references. Note that lock() and unlock() are different from all other functions. where only a globalName - without the '^' prefix - is required.
* @param {...string} subscript
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Rrelease a previously acquired lock on *lockReference.
* @function unlock
* @param {string} lockMode - a string containing lock type ('S' or 'E') and 'I' for an immediate unlock or 'D' for deferred
* @param {string} lockReference - a leading '^' is required for global array references. Note that lock() and unlock() are different from all other functions. where only a globalName - without the '^' prefix - is required.
* @param {...string} subscript
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Release all global array locks held by the connection.
* @function releaseAllLocks
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Start a new server transaction.
* @function tStart
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Commit one level of a server transaction.
* @function tCommit
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Rollback all levels of the server transaction.
* @function tRollback
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Rollback one level of the server transaction.
* @function tRollbackOne
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Get the nesting level of the current server transaction.
* @function getTLevel
* @returns {number} - the nesting level of the current server transaction, 0 if no transaction is active
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @instance
* Instantiate the Iterator class.
* @function iterator
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iris
* @param {string} globalName - the name of the global array
* @param {...string} subscript - variable number of subscript values
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
* @throws exception
* @instance
* IRIS Native IRIS Class
* @class Iterator
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native"
* @hideconstructor
* Position the iterator at the next sibling node in collation order and return an object containing done and value properties.
* If the iterator is at end then done is true, otherwise it is false. The value property returned when done is false is either the subscript,
* the node value, or an array whose first element is the subscript and the second is the global node value. The return value type
* defaults to the array containing the subscript and value. The return type can be changed by invoking the entries(), keys(), or values() methods.
* @function next
* @returns {any}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator
* @instance
* Position the iterator to start from subscript, returns this() for chaining.
* @function startFrom
* @param {string} subscript - the value of the subscript where the iterator is to be positioned
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator
* @instance
* reverse the iterator, returns this() for chaining.
* @function reversed
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator
* @instance
* set the iterator return type to return entries where each value is an array containing the subscript and node value, returns This() for chaining.
* @function entries
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator
* @instance
* set the iterator return type to return keys only (subscripts), returns this() for chaining.
* @function keys
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator
* @instance
* set the iterator return type to return only values, returns this() for chaining.
* @function values
* @returns {external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator}
* @memberof external:"intersystems-iris-native".Iterator
* @instance