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persistent class %Monitor.System.Sample.Globals extends Monitor.Sample

SQL Table Name: %Monitor_System_Sample.Globals

Persistent sample class for %Monitor.System.Globals

This class was generated by : %Monitor.System.Globals.cls

Property Inventory


parameter INDEX = Name;
Inherited description: Table keys definition
parameter SECURITYRESOURCE = %Admin_Manage|%Admin_Operate|%Development;
Inherited description: This is a comma-delimited list of system Resources and associated permissions. A user must hold the specified permissions on all of the specified resources in order to view this page.
The format of each item in the list should be as follows:
Permission is optional, and defaults to USE if not supplied. If it is supplied, it should be one of USE, READ or WRITE. You can also specify or grouping using the '|' character, so 'R1,R2|R3,R3|R4' means you must have resource R1 and one of R2 or R3 and one of R3 or R4. So if you have R1,R3 it will pass, if you have R1,R4 it will not as it does not meet the R2|R3 condition. So the '|' or condition takes precedence over the ',' and condition.


property Application as %String [ InitialExpression = "CACHE" , Required ];
Inherited description: Application name for the sample
Property methods: ApplicationDisplayToLogical(), ApplicationGet(), ApplicationGetStored(), ApplicationIsValid(), ApplicationLogicalToDisplay(), ApplicationLogicalToOdbc(), ApplicationNormalize(), ApplicationSet()
property BigDataBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Big Data block requests from buffer");
Big Data block requests satisfied from buffer
Property methods: BigDataBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), BigDataBlkBufGet(), BigDataBlkBufGetStored(), BigDataBlkBufIsValid(), BigDataBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), BigDataBlkBufNormalize(), BigDataBlkBufSet()
property BigDataBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Big Data block reads");
Big Data block reads
Property methods: BigDataBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), BigDataBlkRdGet(), BigDataBlkRdGetStored(), BigDataBlkRdIsValid(), BigDataBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), BigDataBlkRdNormalize(), BigDataBlkRdSet()
property BigDataBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Big Data block writes");
Big Data block writes
Property methods: BigDataBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), BigDataBlkWtGet(), BigDataBlkWtGetStored(), BigDataBlkWtIsValid(), BigDataBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), BigDataBlkWtNormalize(), BigDataBlkWtSet()
property BlkAlloc as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Blocks Allocated");
Blocks allocated
Property methods: BlkAllocDisplayToLogical(), BlkAllocGet(), BlkAllocGetStored(), BlkAllocIsValid(), BlkAllocLogicalToDisplay(), BlkAllocNormalize(), BlkAllocSet()
property BlockWait as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Block buffer waits");
Block buffer waits. Number of times a process had to wait to access a global buffer.
Property methods: BlockWaitDisplayToLogical(), BlockWaitGet(), BlockWaitGetStored(), BlockWaitIsValid(), BlockWaitLogicalToDisplay(), BlockWaitNormalize(), BlockWaitSet()
property BlockWake as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Block buffer wakes");
Block buffer wakes. Number of 'waiters' that a process awakened on buffer release.
Property methods: BlockWakeDisplayToLogical(), BlockWakeGet(), BlockWakeGetStored(), BlockWakeIsValid(), BlockWakeLogicalToDisplay(), BlockWakeNormalize(), BlockWakeSet()
property BpntBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Bottom pointer block requests from buffer");
Bottom pointer block requests satisfied from buffer
Property methods: BpntBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), BpntBlkBufGet(), BpntBlkBufGetStored(), BpntBlkBufIsValid(), BpntBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), BpntBlkBufNormalize(), BpntBlkBufSet()
property BpntBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Bottom pointer block reads");
Bottom pointer block reads
Property methods: BpntBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), BpntBlkRdGet(), BpntBlkRdGetStored(), BpntBlkRdIsValid(), BpntBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), BpntBlkRdNormalize(), BpntBlkRdSet()
property BpntBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Bottom pointer block write");
Bottom pointer block write
Property methods: BpntBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), BpntBlkWtGet(), BpntBlkWtGetStored(), BpntBlkWtIsValid(), BpntBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), BpntBlkWtNormalize(), BpntBlkWtSet()
property DataBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Data block requests from buffer");
Data block requests satisfied from buffer
Property methods: DataBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), DataBlkBufGet(), DataBlkBufGetStored(), DataBlkBufIsValid(), DataBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), DataBlkBufNormalize(), DataBlkBufSet()
property DataBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Data block reads");
Data block reads
Property methods: DataBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), DataBlkRdGet(), DataBlkRdGetStored(), DataBlkRdIsValid(), DataBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), DataBlkRdNormalize(), DataBlkRdSet()
property DataBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Data block writes");
Data block writes
Property methods: DataBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), DataBlkWtGet(), DataBlkWtGetStored(), DataBlkWtIsValid(), DataBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), DataBlkWtNormalize(), DataBlkWtSet()
property DirBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Directory block requests from buffer");
Directory block requests satisfied from a global buffer
Property methods: DirBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), DirBlkBufGet(), DirBlkBufGetStored(), DirBlkBufIsValid(), DirBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), DirBlkBufNormalize(), DirBlkBufSet()
property DirBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Directory block reads");
Directory block reads
Property methods: DirBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), DirBlkRdGet(), DirBlkRdGetStored(), DirBlkRdIsValid(), DirBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), DirBlkRdNormalize(), DirBlkRdSet()
property DirBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Directory block writes");
Directory block writes
Property methods: DirBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), DirBlkWtGet(), DirBlkWtGetStored(), DirBlkWtIsValid(), DirBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), DirBlkWtNormalize(), DirBlkWtSet()
property Directory as %Monitor.String (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1);
Directory where Global is
Property methods: DirectoryDisplayToLogical(), DirectoryGet(), DirectoryGetStored(), DirectoryIsValid(), DirectoryLogicalToDisplay(), DirectoryLogicalToOdbc(), DirectoryNormalize(), DirectorySet()
property GlobalName as %Monitor.String (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1);
Name of the Global
Property methods: GlobalNameDisplayToLogical(), GlobalNameGet(), GlobalNameGetStored(), GlobalNameIsValid(), GlobalNameLogicalToDisplay(), GlobalNameLogicalToOdbc(), GlobalNameNormalize(), GlobalNameSet()
property GroupName as %String [ InitialExpression = "Globals" , Required ];
Inherited description: Group name for the sample
Property methods: GroupNameDisplayToLogical(), GroupNameGet(), GroupNameGetStored(), GroupNameIsValid(), GroupNameLogicalToDisplay(), GroupNameLogicalToOdbc(), GroupNameNormalize(), GroupNameSet()
property JrnEntry as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Journal entries");
Journal entries
Property methods: JrnEntryDisplayToLogical(), JrnEntryGet(), JrnEntryGetStored(), JrnEntryIsValid(), JrnEntryLogicalToDisplay(), JrnEntryNormalize(), JrnEntrySet()
property Kills as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Global kills");
Global kills
Property methods: KillsDisplayToLogical(), KillsGet(), KillsGetStored(), KillsIsValid(), KillsLogicalToDisplay(), KillsNormalize(), KillsSet()
property KillsNoData as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Global kills finding nothing to kill");
Kills finding nothing to kill.
Property methods: KillsNoDataDisplayToLogical(), KillsNoDataGet(), KillsNoDataGetStored(), KillsNoDataIsValid(), KillsNoDataLogicalToDisplay(), KillsNoDataNormalize(), KillsNoDataSet()
property MapBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Map block requests from buffer");
Map block requests satisfied from a global buffer
Property methods: MapBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), MapBlkBufGet(), MapBlkBufGetStored(), MapBlkBufIsValid(), MapBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), MapBlkBufNormalize(), MapBlkBufSet()
property MapBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Map block reads");
Map block reads
Property methods: MapBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), MapBlkRdGet(), MapBlkRdGetStored(), MapBlkRdIsValid(), MapBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), MapBlkRdNormalize(), MapBlkRdSet()
property MapBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Map block writes");
Map block writes
Property methods: MapBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), MapBlkWtGet(), MapBlkWtGetStored(), MapBlkWtIsValid(), MapBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), MapBlkWtNormalize(), MapBlkWtSet()
property MetricsClass as %String [ InitialExpression = "%Monitor.System.Globals" ];
Inherited description: Metrics Class for the sample
Property methods: MetricsClassDisplayToLogical(), MetricsClassGet(), MetricsClassGetStored(), MetricsClassIsValid(), MetricsClassLogicalToDisplay(), MetricsClassLogicalToOdbc(), MetricsClassNormalize(), MetricsClassSet()
property Name as %Monitor.String (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1);
Full Global name
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property NcacheHit as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Network cache hits");
Network cache hits
Property methods: NcacheHitDisplayToLogical(), NcacheHitGet(), NcacheHitGetStored(), NcacheHitIsValid(), NcacheHitLogicalToDisplay(), NcacheHitNormalize(), NcacheHitSet()
property NcacheMiss as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = " Network cache misses");
Network cache misses
Property methods: NcacheMissDisplayToLogical(), NcacheMissGet(), NcacheMissGetStored(), NcacheMissIsValid(), NcacheMissLogicalToDisplay(), NcacheMissNormalize(), NcacheMissSet()
property NetGloKill as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Network kills");
Network kills
Property methods: NetGloKillDisplayToLogical(), NetGloKillGet(), NetGloKillGetStored(), NetGloKillIsValid(), NetGloKillLogicalToDisplay(), NetGloKillNormalize(), NetGloKillSet()
property NetGloRef as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Network global refs");
Network global refs
Property methods: NetGloRefDisplayToLogical(), NetGloRefGet(), NetGloRefGetStored(), NetGloRefIsValid(), NetGloRefLogicalToDisplay(), NetGloRefNormalize(), NetGloRefSet()
property NetGloSet as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Network sets");
Network sets
Property methods: NetGloSetDisplayToLogical(), NetGloSetGet(), NetGloSetGetStored(), NetGloSetIsValid(), NetGloSetLogicalToDisplay(), NetGloSetNormalize(), NetGloSetSet()
property NetReqSent as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Network requests sent");
Network requests sent
Property methods: NetReqSentDisplayToLogical(), NetReqSentGet(), NetReqSentGetStored(), NetReqSentIsValid(), NetReqSentLogicalToDisplay(), NetReqSentNormalize(), NetReqSentSet()
property OthBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Other block requests from buffer");
Other block requests satisfied from a global buffer
Property methods: OthBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), OthBlkBufGet(), OthBlkBufGetStored(), OthBlkBufIsValid(), OthBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), OthBlkBufNormalize(), OthBlkBufSet()
property OthBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Other block reads");
Other block reads
Property methods: OthBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), OthBlkRdGet(), OthBlkRdGetStored(), OthBlkRdIsValid(), OthBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), OthBlkRdNormalize(), OthBlkRdSet()
property OthBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Other block writes");
Other block writes
Property methods: OthBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), OthBlkWtGet(), OthBlkWtGetStored(), OthBlkWtIsValid(), OthBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), OthBlkWtNormalize(), OthBlkWtSet()
property Refs as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Global references");
Global references
Property methods: RefsDisplayToLogical(), RefsGet(), RefsGetStored(), RefsIsValid(), RefsLogicalToDisplay(), RefsNormalize(), RefsSet()
property RefsNoGlobal as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Searches for non-existent global");
Searches for non-existent global. Number of times global directory was searched and and did not find global
Property methods: RefsNoGlobalDisplayToLogical(), RefsNoGlobalGet(), RefsNoGlobalGetStored(), RefsNoGlobalIsValid(), RefsNoGlobalLogicalToDisplay(), RefsNoGlobalNormalize(), RefsNoGlobalSet()
property RouBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Routine block requests from buffer");
Routine block requests satisfied from a global buffer ** DEPRECATED **
Property methods: RouBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), RouBlkBufGet(), RouBlkBufGetStored(), RouBlkBufIsValid(), RouBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), RouBlkBufNormalize(), RouBlkBufSet()
property RouBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Routine block reads");
Routine block reads ** DEPRECATED **
Property methods: RouBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), RouBlkRdGet(), RouBlkRdGetStored(), RouBlkRdIsValid(), RouBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), RouBlkRdNormalize(), RouBlkRdSet()
property RouBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Routine block writes");
Routine block writes ** DEPRECATED **
Property methods: RouBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), RouBlkWtGet(), RouBlkWtGetStored(), RouBlkWtIsValid(), RouBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), RouBlkWtNormalize(), RouBlkWtSet()
property Sets as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Global sets");
Global sets
Property methods: SetsDisplayToLogical(), SetsGet(), SetsGetStored(), SetsIsValid(), SetsLogicalToDisplay(), SetsNormalize(), SetsSet()
property TotBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Total physical block reads");
Total physical block reads (total *BlkRd counters)
Property methods: TotBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), TotBlkRdGet(), TotBlkRdGetStored(), TotBlkRdIsValid(), TotBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), TotBlkRdNormalize(), TotBlkRdSet()
property UpntBlkBuf as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Upper pointer block requests from buffer");
Upper pointer block requests satisfied from a global buffer
Property methods: UpntBlkBufDisplayToLogical(), UpntBlkBufGet(), UpntBlkBufGetStored(), UpntBlkBufIsValid(), UpntBlkBufLogicalToDisplay(), UpntBlkBufNormalize(), UpntBlkBufSet()
property UpntBlkRd as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Upper pointer block reads");
Upper pointer block reads
Property methods: UpntBlkRdDisplayToLogical(), UpntBlkRdGet(), UpntBlkRdGetStored(), UpntBlkRdIsValid(), UpntBlkRdLogicalToDisplay(), UpntBlkRdNormalize(), UpntBlkRdSet()
property UpntBlkWt as %Monitor.Integer (CALCSELECTIVITY = 1, CAPTION = "Upper pointer block writes");
Upper pointer block writes
Property methods: UpntBlkWtDisplayToLogical(), UpntBlkWtGet(), UpntBlkWtGetStored(), UpntBlkWtIsValid(), UpntBlkWtLogicalToDisplay(), UpntBlkWtNormalize(), UpntBlkWtSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (Monitor.Sample)


Storage Model: Storage (%Monitor.System.Sample.Globals)

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