Basic information for Ensemble, the InterSystems comprehensive application integration platform. |
How to build Ensemble solutions, including conceptual information, code examples, and procedures. |
Reference books for Ensemble. |
How to maintain and monitor Ensemble productions. |
How to build Ensemble solutions that route data in EDI formats such as X12, ASTM, EDIFACT, as well as other virtual documents such as HL7, DICOM, and XML. |
How to configure and use the adapters and gateways that Ensemble provides to control communication with external systems. |
Provides a road map for installing, upgrading, and getting started with Ensemble. |
Describes the contents of this release of Ensemble as well as compatibility issues with previous releases. |
Introduces Ensemble and options to include in your Ensemble productions. |
Describes best practices for organizing and developing Ensemble productions. |
Explains how to perform the development tasks related to creating an Ensemble production. Many of these tasks require Studio. |
Explains how to perform the configuration tasks related to creating an Ensemble production. |
Explains how to define business rules that direct business process logic. |
Describes how to write Ensemble business processes using the Business Process Language (BPL). |
Describes how to create DTL data transformations. |
Explains how to incorporate human interaction into automated business processes. |
Describes each Business Process Language (BPL) element and each Data Transformation Language (DTL) element. |
Describes the error codes associated with Ensemble. |
Explains how to use the Management Portal to manage Ensemble productions. |
Explains how to monitor your Ensemble environment and the Ensemble production components. |
Explains how to work with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) documents (ASTM, EDIFACT, HL7 version 2, and X12) as well as XML documents as Ensemble virtual documents. |
Explains how to build Ensemble productions that route and transform HL7 Version 2 messages. |
Explains how to build Ensemble productions that route and transform HL7 Version 3 messages. |
Explains how to add X12 routing interfaces to a production. |
Explains how to add ASTM routing interfaces to productions. |
Explains how to add EDIFACT routing interfaces to productions. |
Explains how to build Ensemble productions that process documents in DICOM format. |
Explains how to build Ensemble productions that route and transform documents in XML format. |
Explains how to use the Ensemble Interoperability Toolkit to prescribe how applications in the English NHS communicate with each other. |
Describes how to configure and use email adapters. |
Explains how to configure and use simple file adapters. |
Explains how to configure and use FTP adapters. |
Describes how to configure and use HTTP adapters. |
Describes how to configure and use MQ adapters. |
Describes how to interface with the SAP Java Connector in Ensemble. |
Describes how to create Ensemble SOAP web services and web clients, Ensemble REST services and clients, and Ensemble pass-through services and operations. |
Describes how to configure and use SQL adapters. |
Explains how to configure and use TCP adapters. |
Explains how to enable easy interoperation between Ensemble and Java components. |
Explains how to enable easy interoperation between Ensemble and the Caché Object Gateway for .NET. |