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HealthShare® Health Connect Upgrade Checklist (2024.1)

This document is meant to help you assess the impact of upgrading to the HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1 extended maintenance (EM) release. It lists the incompatibilities since 2023.1.0. These incompatibilities may require changes to code, configuration, or operation.

InterSystems News, Alerts, and Advisories

From time to time, InterSystems publishes items of immediate importance to users of our software. These include alerts, mission-critical issues, important updates, fixes, and release announcements. You can obtain the most current list at in a new tab. InterSystems recommends that you check this list periodically to obtain the latest information on these issues.

Fixed Security Issues


CWE: CWE-1021: Improper Restriction of Rendered UI Layers or Frames
Severity: Medium
CVSS Score: 5.9
Version: 2024.1.0

FIXED: An attacker may be able to create a malicious page that embeds/displays management portal pages and tricks users into clicking on options that instead perform unrelated actions on unrelated pages/servers (clickjacking).

Embedded Python

DP-426579: Disallow ByRef/Output qualified language=python method arguments

Category: Embedded Python
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

A compile error is now thrown when an argument to a method is defined as ByRef or Output if language=python; previously, no error was raised. This is because Python does not support these kinds of parameters.


DP-422913: changes to Unix installer platform detection

Category: Installation
Platforms: AIX
Version: 2023.3.0

Users that perform an installation in unsupported environment for testing purposes must explicitly set the ISC_PACKAGE_PLATFORM environment variable to the platform name.

DP-425275: Replace %Service_Native on upgrade and new install

Category: Installation
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

Instances that previously used %Service_Native in roles such as %Developer or %Manager must review the roles and consider if they also need %Native_Transaction or %Native_Concurrency.

DP-429584: Unable to launch documentation from the cube

Category: Installation
Platforms: All
Versions: 2023.2.0, 2023.3.0, 2024.1.0

If you are using Windows IIS as your web server or have upgraded from either 2023.2 or 2023.3, then you cannot open documentation through the launcher by default. To manually create a workaround, see the "Connect Your Web Server Manually" section of "Access the Management Portal and Other Built-in Web Applications Using Your Web Server."


DP-421559: [Interoperability] System Default Settings now supports PoolSize, Enabled, TestingEnabled and ActorPoolSize

Category: Interoperability
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

System Default Settings previously ignored any entries that matched an item's Enabled or PoolSize setting or a production's ActorPoolSize or Testing Enabled setting. With this change, the System Default Settings no longer ignore such entries.

DP-423063: [Interoperability] BPL SQL action to return status error if generated embedded sql reports an error

Category: Interoperability
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

The BPL SQL action now returns an error status if the generated SQL commands return a SQLCODE error. This allows the use of the BPL error handling mechanisms.

DP-423783: [Interoperability] Business Process %MasterPendingResponses structure change

Category: Interoperability
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

Business process %MasterPendingResponses list has been converted from a list to a parent/child relationship with Ens.BP.MasterPendingResponse and appropriate indices. Any custom code that iterated over the internal %MasterPendingResponses using GetAt() with sequential number iteration to the count value should be modified to use the parent/child collection methods of the class, such as Previous() and GetNext(). After an upgrade, any incomplete business process thread data must be converted using the Ens.BP.Utils.Upgrade.UpgradePendingResponsesStorage() method.

DP-426490: Honor Business Operation use of overridden OnFailureTimeout setting of ..Retry to 1

Category: Interoperability
Platforms: All
Versions: 2023.1.3, 2024.1.0

If custom Business Operations implemented OnFailureTimeout and that method sets ..Retry to 1, then the operation will not continue to retry beyond the FailureTimeout value.


DP-426382: Ensure proper behavior of ExternalFreeze w.r.t. Write Daemon suspension

Category: Journaling
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change causes two methods to throw errors that they previously did not.

The ExternalFreeze() method now returns the error "ERROR #7338: System is already suspended" if the system is suspended with no request to suspend for over 10 seconds. Previously, ExternalFreeze() simply returned success in this case.

The ExternalThaw() method now returns the error "ERROR #7339: System is not suspended" if the system is not suspended and there is no request to suspend it. Previously, ExternalThaw() simply returned success in this case.


DP-427878: disable TRAP_LICENSE SNMP trap for MONITOR

Category: Licensing
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change removes "license request exceeded available allocation" messages generated by various license failues, which were largley duplicates of the "license limit exceeded" messages.

Object Compiler

DP-423075: BUILD INDEX: Changes for Map Selectability

Category: Object Compiler
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change adds a new parameters, pKeepSelectability, to the %BuildIndices and %BuildIndicesAsync methods. See the Class Reference for more information.

It also adds support for a KEEP SELECTABILITY option to the BUILD INDEX SQL command. If this option is specified, after a successful index build, the map remains not selectable if it had been not selectable before the index build.

This is a change in the behavior of the BUILD INDEX command. When KEEP SELECTABILITY is not specified and the build is selectable, the index map is set as selectable. If you need an index map to remain not selectable aftter a successful index build, you must specify KEEP SELECTABILITY in the SQL statement.


DP-424951: $ZHOROLOG to use montonic clock

Category: ObjectScript
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

The change makes $ZHOROLOG use a monotonic clock, meaning the utility does not go backward due to NTP or daylight savings time. The time elapsed according to $ZHOROLOG may diverge from time elapsed as seen by taking changes of the real time as reported by $h, $ztimestamp, or $now; any code that expects those changes to be equivalent may need to be updated.

DP-428798: Fixed copy file errors on Unix systems

Category: ObjectScript
Platforms: UNIX®
Versions: 2022.1.5, 2023.1.4, 2024.1.0

This change fixes an issues that resulted in a failed copy (using the Library.File.CopyFile() method) on Unix systems when the destination does not exist.

It also adjusts the return codes for multiple failure cases when using Library.File.CopyFile().


DP-422960: ODBC. Do not convert data from BINARY to WCHAR

Category: ODBC
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.2.0

Previously, when converting BINARY data to the ASCII representation, it was initially converted into WCHAR. This has been changed, such that the ODBC driver now converted BINARY data directly to the ASCII representation.


Category: ODBC
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

When setting the connection attribution for SQL_ATTR_TXN_ISOLATION, the server now only accepts two values, SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITED and SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED. Previously the system accepted SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE and internally converted it to SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED, but this conversion has been removed.


DP-422560: HTML encode REST error messages

Category: Security
Platforms: All
Versions: 2022.1.4, 2023.1.1, 2023.2.0

Previously, error messages returned from REST APIs were not HTML encoded. This issue has been corrected.

DP-423672: web gateway secret management for cloud

Category: Security
Platforms: UNIX®
Version: 2023.3.0

Unix® users with passwords that start with { and end with } for Web Gateway server configurations will need to change them, or they will be interpreted as commands. Other platforms are not affected.

DP-424657: Add %Admin_OAuth2_Client permission

Category: Security
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

This change adds the %Admin_OAuth2_Client permission, which gives minimum permissions to a system that uses InterSystems IRIS as a client to an OAuth2 authorization server.

Any custom roles that had %Admin_Secure and fit this use case need to be updated to contain this resource.

DP-424919: Add %Admin_OAuth2_Server and %Admin_OAuth2_Registration resources

Category: Security
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change introduces two new resources OAuth 2.0 access. The %Admin_OAuth_Server resource controls the management of configurations that use InterSystems IRIS as an authentication server. The %Admin_OAuth2_Registration resource controls the management of clients when InterSystems IRIS is the authorization server.

DP-425110: Tighten OAuth2 JWT security requirements

Category: Security
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

This change makes "RS256" the default value for the SigningAlgorithm field in the OAuth2.Configuration class. Additionally, %OAuth2.Server.JWT now returns an error if no signing algorithm is defined for a JWT access token. the JWTToObject() method of the %OAuth2.JWT class no longer considers unsigned an unencrypted JWTs to be valid. However, this behavior can be overridden by using the new AcceptUnsecured parameter.

DP-427034: SQL: kill INTO Array when SQLCODE'=0

Category: Security
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

With this change, an output array created by an Embedded SQL statement reverts to its initial state if SQLCODE '= 0. Any pre-existing nodes that contained data still have that data, but no new data is added.


DP-419630: Make INSERT OR UPDATE fail if the unique value belongs to a super class

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.2.0

When users that have a class structure where there is a unique constraint in a super class attempt to INSERT OR UPDATE in the subclass, the command will now fail. Previously, this behavior did not throw an error, although an UPDATE would silently have been ignored.

DP-421723: Fix, refactor and optimize SQL <explain statement> error processing

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

This change causes errors that arise from EXPLAIN statements to occur during query runtime, rather than compilation.

DP-422284: Allow predicate pushdown for foreign tables with QUERY clauses

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

Useres must explicity ensure that column names provided for a QUERY-based foreign table are the same as the names in the QUERY clause of the CREATE FOREIGN TABLE commands or must provide a VALUES clause which specifies the names of the columns returned by the QUERY clause.

DP-424443: Remove quote/quoteall from %occUtility

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

This change removes the internal $$quote and $$quoteall functions, which were included as internal-only utilities that were never intended for use in user-written code. Any user-written code that relied on these functions must be modified.

DP-424489: Update Native resource checks in CheckBindingsAccess()

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change updates Native resource checks performed by the system to ensure the user has proper access.

DP-424924: SQL LOAD DATA changes for %NOINDEX and BULK

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

Prior to this change, a LOAD DATA statement that specified %NOINDEX would build the indexes for the table automatically at the end of the run. This is no longer the case.

If LOAD %NOINDEX DATA or LOAD BULKT %NOINDEX DATA is executed, it is up to the caller to explicitly run BUILD INDEX on the table at a later time to populate in indexes.

Indexes for the table are built after all records are loaded when the %NOINDEX option is omitted.

DP-426466: Refactor and optimize the '$SYSTEM.SQL.Explain(...)' API/method

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change alters the return type of $SYSTEM.SQL.Explain(); it now returns a refactored string, instead of an array.

To get the query plan as an array, use either $SYSTEM.SQL.ShowPlan(), $SYSTEM.SQL.ShowPlanAlt(), or specify the "PRINT-ARRAY" value for the format term of the qualifier parameter of the $SYSTEM.SQL.Explain() method to return the plan parameter as an array.

DP-427583: Treat canonical numbers better for GREATEST/LEAST

Category: SQL
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

It is possible that results returned from GREATEST and LEAST over JDBC would previously compare NUMERIC values incorrectly because they were treated as strings.

For example, GREATEST(?,1000), where ? is bound with a NUMERIC that is padded with zeroes to the right in order to attain the correct scale. In this case, the bound parameter may be less that 1000, but would have returned as greater than 1000.


DP-412345: New Super Server

Category: System
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

The SSLSuperServer Property in the Security.System class has been removed. If you manipulate or change this property via class methods, you will need to update that code to refer to the Security.Servers class instead.

DP-425794: Increase lock hash buckets by 4 times.

Category: System
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change improves the performance and scalability of the LOCK command, especially on large systems. However, the time to service an unsubscripted lock request increases; note that unsubscripted locks should be avoided in high-frequency usage pattens.

This change also increases the size of shared memory allocated at startup by approximately 3 MB.

DP-426106: Show correct variable name in %STACK and ^ERRORS when passed by reference

Category: System
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

Previously, the incorrect variable name could be displayed for NEW commands and DO arguments when the execution stack includes variables passed by reference. The issue has been resolved.

DP-426460: Clear naked indicator after a subscript error

Category: System
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

The naked indicator is now cleared after a global SUBSCRIPT error. Such a naked reference that may have worked previously will now get a NAKED error.

DP-427700: Add -mavx flag to intel/amd platforms

Category: System
Platforms: All
Version: 2024.1.0

This change makes it possible to generate AVX in the Intel platform.

DP-431249: Fix syntax error in %STACK when ambiguous variable name

Category: System
Platforms: All
Versions: 2024.1.0, 2024.1.1, 2024.2.0

NOTE: This change impacts kits based on which operating system it is installed on. In particular, this change is part of the 2024.1.0 kit for Ubuntu, but not for Windows or AIX.

In some cases when an argument is passed by reference, the stack dump is unable to distinguish between the actual and formal variable names, so it reports both of them as actual/formal. This could cause a syntax error that prevented the entire stack from being saved for future error reporting.

VDoc - XML

DP-423225: [Interoperability] XML VDoc to pass back error encountered creating output from use of internal stream

Category: VDoc - XML
Platforms: All
Version: 2023.3.0

Previously, errors encountered when generating out using internal stream were suppressed. This behavior has been changed so that such errors are now reported. These errors must be handled appropriately, either through code changes or production configurations.

For Additional Help

If you need assistance with evaluating how upgrading to this extended maintenance (EM) release will affect your applications, systems, or related plans, please contact the InterSystems Worldwide Support Center:

  • Phone:  +1.617.621.0700
  • Fax:  +1.617.734.9391
  • Email:

Current release notes (and complete product documentation) can be found online at

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