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abstract class HS.FHIRMeta.Load.JSONUtil

Method Inventory


classmethod ArrayToList(ByRef array) as %List
classmethod JFind(array As %DynamicArray, field As %String, value As %String, Output result) as %Integer
Returns an array of all objects in the input %DynamicArray with a specific value
@Input array A %DynamicArray containing a set of Json objects
@Input field The name of the field whose value is being tested
@Input value The value to be matched. If the contents of 'field' matches 'value', then the object is returned in the result array
@Output A multidimensional array that receives the result. The scalar value is the count of returned objects, Each object is in a subnode numerically indexed starting at 1.
@Return The count of objects found
classmethod JFindExtensions(object As %DynamicObject, url As %String, Output result)
Get an array of all extensions in the array with the desired URL.
@Input array A %DynamicArray containing a set of Extension objects
@Input ur; The name of the field whose value is being tested
@Input value The value to be matched. If the contents of 'field' matches 'value', then the object is returned in the result array
@Output A multidimensional array that receives the result. The scalar value is the count of returned objects, Each object is in a subnode numerically indexed starting at 1.
@Return The count of objects found
classmethod JFindMulti(array As %DynamicArray, ByRef criteria, Output result) as %Integer
classmethod JGetValues(array As %DynamicArray, valueField As %String, Output result) as %Integer
Returns an array of the value of a specified field from each element of a %DynamicArray containing %DynamicObjects
@Input array A %DynamicArray containing a set of Json objects
@Input valueField The name of the field whose value is being returned
@Output A multidimensional array that receives the result. The scalar value is the count of returned objects, Each value is in a subnode numerically indexed starting at 1.
@Return The count of values found
classmethod JGetValuesWhere(array As %DynamicArray, whereField As %String, whereValue As %String, valueField As %String, Output result) as %Integer
Returns an array of all objects in the input %DynamicArray with a specific value
@Input array A %DynamicArray containing a set of Json objects
@Input whereField The name of the field whose value is being tested
@Input whereValue The value to be matched. If the contents of 'field' matches 'value', then the value of 'valueField' is returned in the result array
@Input valueField The name of the field whose value is being returned
@Output A multidimensional array that receives the result. The scalar value is the count of returned objects, Each object is in a subnode numerically indexed starting at 1.
@Return The count of objects found
classmethod JIndex(array As %DynamicArray, value As %String, fromIndex As %Integer = 0) as %Integer
Returns the index of a value within an array
@Input array A %DynamicArray containing a set of values
@Input value The value to be matched. If the contents of 'field' matches 'value', then the index of that value is returned
@Input fromIndex The location to start searching.
@Return The index of the located object, or -1 if not found
classmethod JsonArrayToArray(jarray As %DynamicArray, Output array)


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