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class HS.UI.Base extends HS.UI.BaseUtil

Base HealthShare UI class

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = HS.UI.Application;
Class name of application this page belongs to.
parameter DOMAIN = HS;
Domain used for localization.
Inherited description: If defined, this is the url of the "favorite" (or shortcut) icon to display for this page.
Defining this causes Zen to include a <link rel="shortcut icon" href="FAVORITEICON"> in the head section of the page.
For maximum browser compatibility this should be an .ico file.
parameter HSDEPLOY = 0;
parameter HSHELPKEY;
When running HealthShare, this will be part of the docbook link, i.e. DocBook.UI.PortalHelpPage.cls?Key=thisvalue


property HomeApplication as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = ##class(%ZHSLIB.SessionEventUtil).GetHomePageForNamespace() ];
Property methods: HomeApplicationDisplayToLogical(), HomeApplicationGet(), HomeApplicationIsValid(), HomeApplicationLogicalToDisplay(), HomeApplicationLogicalToOdbc(), HomeApplicationNormalize(), HomeApplicationSet()


classmethod %CheckProductionRunning(pFromPopup As %Boolean = 0) as %Boolean
Utility method. Can add this to your %OnHSPreHTTP by having its expression be: ..%CheckProductionRunning()
final classmethod %OnCreateApplication(Output pStatus As %Status, pApplicationName As %String) as %ZEN.application
This looks up an alternate application class in the HealthShare registry, and will use that instead of the default HS.UI.Application The alternate application class should extend HS.UI.Application
classmethod %OnHSPreHTTP() as %Boolean
Override this instead of %OnPreHTTP for all HS.UI Zen classes
classmethod GetDocPage() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod OnPreHTTP() as %Boolean
Executes once to get user preferences and possibily set a custom timeout period.
clientmethod hsBubbleResetAutoLogout() [ Language = javascript ]
Call this from an child page to reset the Zen autologout timer on the parent page(s)
clientmethod hsResetAutoLogout() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onlogoutHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client method, if defined and the AUTOLOGOUT parameter for this page is true, is invoked when the logout timer for this page fires.
If this method return true then the normal page logout behavior will fire. That is, the page will be reloaded causing a login page to appear if the current session has ended.
clientmethod showHelp() [ Language = javascript ]
Show documentation.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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