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class HS.UI.Registry.Configuration extends HS.HC.UI.Util

Define and manage key/value pairs from HS.Registry.Config

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter FOUNDATIONHELPKEY = FADM_ch_configuration_registry;
When running Foundation, this will be part of the docbook link, i.e. DocBook.UI.PortalHelpPage.cls?Key=thisvalue
parameter PAGENAME = Configuration Registry;
Inherited description: Optional. This is the display name used for this page. If not provided, the class name is used.
parameter RESOURCE = %HSAdmin_InstallationManagement;
Inherited description: This is a comma-delimited list of system Resources and associated permissions. A user must hold the specified permissions on at least one of the specified resources in order to view this page or invoke any of its server-side methods from the client.
The format of each item in the list should be as follows:
Permission is optional, and defaults to USE if not supplied. If it is supplied, it should be one of USE, READ or WRITE.


property ConfigID as %String;
Property methods: ConfigIDDisplayToLogical(), ConfigIDGet(), ConfigIDIsValid(), ConfigIDLogicalToDisplay(), ConfigIDLogicalToOdbc(), ConfigIDNormalize(), ConfigIDSet()
property msgdelete as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextJS("Do you wish to delete this entry?") ];
Property methods: msgdeleteDisplayToLogical(), msgdeleteGet(), msgdeleteIsValid(), msgdeleteLogicalToDisplay(), msgdeleteLogicalToOdbc(), msgdeleteNormalize(), msgdeleteSet()
property saveRequiredError as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextJS("Key is required.") ];
Property methods: saveRequiredErrorDisplayToLogical(), saveRequiredErrorGet(), saveRequiredErrorIsValid(), saveRequiredErrorLogicalToDisplay(), saveRequiredErrorLogicalToOdbc(), saveRequiredErrorNormalize(), saveRequiredErrorSet()


classmethod DeleteData(id) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method DrawTitle(pSeed As %String) as %Status
method SaveData(pID, pRegKey, pRegValue) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Save data to server
method UpdateDetails(PID) [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod deleteItem() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod hideConfig(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Show/hide Service form.
clientmethod refreshTable() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod rowSelected(table) [ Language = javascript ]
User selected a row in the table.
clientmethod saveItem() [ Language = javascript ]
Get user selection and send to server to save
clientmethod showObject(id) [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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