class EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.ProductionGenerator extends %Library.RegisteredObject
A class designed to load production data from a CSV fileExample: Set tSC = ##class(EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.ProductionGenerator).Load("/wtemp/configuration.csv","/wtemp/items.csv",.tInformation)
Property Inventory
Method Inventory
- AddActivityOperation()
- AddOperation()
- BuildMap()
- ConvertCSVFileToJSONStream()
- ConvertCSVStreamToJSON()
- CreateClassParameter()
- CreateRouterProcess()
- CreateTransformation()
- CreateUpdateBusinessRule()
- GetConfigurationCSVStreamFromJSON()
- GetItemsCSVStreamFromJSON()
- GetProduction()
- GetRecordSetProperty()
- GetStream()
- GetStructureFromItems()
- Load()
- LogError()
- ParseCSV()
- ReturnErrors()
- StringAsClassName()
- UpdateDTL()
- UpdateSettings()
- ValidateConfiguration()
- ValidateItemStructure()
- evaluateExpression()
- getValues()
- imLoad()
- imLoadConfigurationFromJSONStream()
- imLoadConfigurationFromStream()
- imLoadItemsFromJSONStream()
- imLoadItemsFromStream()
parameter DEFAULTPOOLSIZE = 0;
parameter RULEDISABLED = 0;
Rules should be disabled and only enabled after review
property BaseValues [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: BaseValuesDisplayToLogical(), BaseValuesGet(), BaseValuesIsValid(), BaseValuesLogicalToDisplay(), BaseValuesLogicalToOdbc(), BaseValuesNormalize(), BaseValuesSet()
property ConfigJSON as %DynamicAbstractObject;
Property methods: ConfigJSONGet(), ConfigJSONGetObject(), ConfigJSONGetObjectId(), ConfigJSONGetSwizzled(), ConfigJSONIsValid(), ConfigJSONNewObject(), ConfigJSONSet(), ConfigJSONSetObject(), ConfigJSONSetObjectId(), ConfigJSONUnSwizzle()
property Errors [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: ErrorsDisplayToLogical(), ErrorsGet(), ErrorsIsValid(), ErrorsLogicalToDisplay(), ErrorsLogicalToOdbc(), ErrorsNormalize(), ErrorsSet()
property ItemsJSON as %DynamicAbstractObject;
Property methods: ItemsJSONGet(), ItemsJSONGetObject(), ItemsJSONGetObjectId(), ItemsJSONGetSwizzled(), ItemsJSONIsValid(), ItemsJSONNewObject(), ItemsJSONSet(), ItemsJSONSetObject(), ItemsJSONSetObjectId(), ItemsJSONUnSwizzle()
property RowCount [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: RowCountDisplayToLogical(), RowCountGet(), RowCountIsValid(), RowCountLogicalToDisplay(), RowCountLogicalToOdbc(), RowCountNormalize(), RowCountSet()
property Structure [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: StructureDisplayToLogical(), StructureGet(), StructureIsValid(), StructureLogicalToDisplay(), StructureLogicalToOdbc(), StructureNormalize(), StructureSet()
property TypeMap [ MultiDimensional ];
a map of {service/operation},{type - file tcp} to class
Property methods: TypeMapDisplayToLogical(), TypeMapGet(), TypeMapIsValid(), TypeMapLogicalToDisplay(), TypeMapLogicalToOdbc(), TypeMapNormalize(), TypeMapSet()
method AddActivityOperation(ByRef pProduction) as %Status
Add the Ens.Activity.Operation.Local operation unless configuration item AddActivityOperation specifically set to 0
method AddOperation(pValues, pRecordSet As %SQL.CSVResultSet, ByRef pProduction) as %Status
create Operation based on settings provided with a host name of {OperationName}
method BuildMap()
Map of Service / Operation type text to class ie file -> EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService
classmethod ConvertCSVFileToJSONStream(pFilename As %String = "", ByRef pJSONStream, pGroupName="Items") as %Status
Convert CSV file into JSON Stream
pFilename name of csv file
pGroupName is the root node
pFilename name of csv file
pGroupName is the root node
classmethod ConvertCSVStreamToJSON(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", ByRef pJSONStream, pGroupName="Items", ByRef pGroup, pDelimiter=",") as %Status
pStream - a file character stream of the CSV file
pJSONStream - The newly created JSON file character stream
pGroupName - the root node of the JSON stream (Items for production items and keys for configuration)
pGroup - a by ref variable containing the JSON object (to avoid having to re-parse the json)
pJSONStream - The newly created JSON file character stream
pGroupName - the root node of the JSON stream (Items for production items and keys for configuration)
pGroup - a by ref variable containing the JSON object (to avoid having to re-parse the json)
classmethod CreateClassParameter(pName, pDefault) as %Dictionary.ParameterDefinition
Create %Dictionary.ParameterDefinition object for name and default
method CreateRouterProcess(pValues, pRecordSet As %SQL.CSVResultSet, ByRef pProduction) as %Status
Create business process {package}.{ServiceName}
method CreateTransformation(ByRef pValues, pRecordSet As %SQL.CSVResultSet, Output pTransformationName) as %Status
Create Transformation Class which extends Ens.DataTransformDTL, this code is only called if SourceDocType and TargetDocType are set
method CreateUpdateBusinessRule(ByRef pValues, pRecordSet As %SQL.CSVResultSet, pRuleName, pTransformationName As %String) as %Status
Create/Update a RouterRule based on service / operation names
classmethod GetConfigurationCSVStreamFromJSON(pJSONStream, Output pCSVStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", pGroup) as %Status
Convert Configuration JSON stream to csv stream
classmethod GetItemsCSVStreamFromJSON(pJSONStream, Output pCSVStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", pGroup, pIncludesHeader=1) as %Status
Convert Items JSON stream to csv stream
Although streams are used to make it easier to pass from a file or other mechanism, the maximum length of the document is that of a long string
Although streams are used to make it easier to pass from a file or other mechanism, the maximum length of the document is that of a long string
method GetProduction(Output pProdRef As Ens.Production) as %Status
Locate / Generate production specified by Configuration key ProductionClassName
method GetRecordSetProperty(pRecordSet, pField="", pDefault="") as %String
Retrieve pField from pRecordSet (if defined), otherwise return default
classmethod GetStream(pPathAndFile As %String, pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter) as %Status
Given a fully qualified filename return a FileCharacter stream
method GetStructureFromItems()
Build Structure array from all JSON items
classmethod Load(pConfigurationPathAndFile As %String = "", pItemsPathAndFile As %String = "", ByRef pInformation) as %Status
Method to load csv configuration file and items file
pConfigurationPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration CSV file
pItemsPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration items CSV file
byRef pInformation - returned array of issues from loading file
Returns Status
pConfigurationPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration CSV file
pItemsPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration items CSV file
byRef pInformation - returned array of issues from loading file
Returns Status
method LogError(pString)
classmethod ParseCSV(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter, Output pStructure As %String = "", Output pRecordSet As %SQL.CSVResultSet, pDelimiter=",") as %Status
Given a fully qualified filename and an expected structure return a pRecordSet from a CSV file
pStructure is the expected header (ServiceName [VARCHAR 200], OperationsName, PortIn) structure but the code will adapt to a different order
pRecordSet is the returned resultset
method ReturnErrors() as %ListOfDataTypes
Return errors as an object
classmethod StringAsClassName(pString) as %String
User could have provided a service name with _, remove those (and other invalid characters) from the classname
classmethod UpdateDTL(pTransform As Ens.DTL.Transform) as %Status
User Override:
Using the given transform it's possible to customize the generated transform
Example (change code mode):
try {
Set tSC = $$$OK Set tGroup = ##class(Ens.DTL.Group).%New()
Set tAction = ##class(Ens.DTL.Code).%New()
Do tAction.Code.Write(" /*"_$c(13,10)_"DATE: YYYY-MM-DD"_$C(13,10)_"TASK: TASK000000"_$c(13,10)_"NAME: DeveloperName"_$C(13,10)_"NOTE: Initial Development"_$c(13,10)_" */")
Do tGroup.Actions.Insert(tAction)
Do pTransform.Actions.InsertAt(tGroup,1)
} catch ex {
Set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
Example (change code mode):
try {
Set tSC = $$$OK Set tGroup = ##class(Ens.DTL.Group).%New()
Set tAction = ##class(Ens.DTL.Code).%New()
Do tAction.Code.Write(" /*"_$c(13,10)_"DATE: YYYY-MM-DD"_$C(13,10)_"TASK: TASK000000"_$c(13,10)_"NAME: DeveloperName"_$C(13,10)_"NOTE: Initial Development"_$c(13,10)_" */")
Do tGroup.Actions.Insert(tAction)
Do pTransform.Actions.InsertAt(tGroup,1)
} catch ex {
Set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
method UpdateSettings(pHostType, pItem, pRecordSet, ByRef pValues) as %Status
pHostType - Service / Router / Operation
pItem - host item created
pRecordSet - CSV recordSet
pValues - values collected from configuration load
pItem - host item created
pRecordSet - CSV recordSet
pValues - values collected from configuration load
method ValidateConfiguration()
method ValidateItemStructure()
method evaluateExpression(pNode, pRecordSet As %SQL.CSVResultSet, Output pSC) as %String
update string replacing curly brace values with actual values strip repeating and trailing underscore characters
method getValues(pRecordSet, Output pValues) as %Status
for a given (pRecordSet) row define pValues(nodes)
method imLoad(pConfigurationPathAndFile As %String = "", pItemsPathAndFile As %String = "", ByRef pInformation, pDelimiter) as %Status
instance method processing Load
pConfigurationPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration CSV file
pItemsPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration items CSV file
byRef pInformation - returned array of issues from loading file
Returns Status
pItemsPathAndFile - fully qualified file name for configuration items CSV file
byRef pInformation - returned array of issues from loading file
Returns Status
method imLoadConfigurationFromJSONStream(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", pGroup As %DynamicAbstractObject = "") as %Status
pStream - File character stream json
Load Production Name, code package names for Transform, Rules, Custom functions
Non fatal issues are logged in ..Errors
Load Production Name, code package names for Transform, Rules, Custom functions
Non fatal issues are logged in ..Errors
method imLoadConfigurationFromStream(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", pDelimiter=",") as %Status
pStream - File character stream of csv file
Load Production Name, code package names for Transform, Rules, Custom functions
Non fatal issues are logged in ..Errors
Load Production Name, code package names for Transform, Rules, Custom functions
Non fatal issues are logged in ..Errors
method imLoadItemsFromJSONStream(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", pGroup As %DynamicAbstractObject = "") as %Status
pStream - a file character stream containing the JSON definition
pGroup - the already parsed JSON object if known
pGroup - the already parsed JSON object if known
method imLoadItemsFromStream(pStream As %Stream.FileCharacter = "", pDelimiter=",") as %Status
pStream - File character stream of csv file
Convert csv files to JSON stream and Load production items using imLoadItemsfromJSONStream(tStream)
Convert csv files to JSON stream and Load production items using imLoadItemsfromJSONStream(tStream)
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()