class EnsLib.LDAP.Client.Session extends %Library.RegisteredObject
Ensemble wrapper class for %SYS.LDAP methods to allow creating a single session instance and used by EnsLib.LDAP.Adapter.CommonProperty Inventory
- %Attribute
- %AttributesAtEnd
- %CurrentDN
- %CurrentUser
- %Page
- %PageSearchTimeout
- %PageSize
- %PagesAtEnd
- %Result
- %Results
- %ResultsAtEnd
- %Session
- %startedSSL
- LastCall
- LastGeneratedStatus
- LastStatusCategory
- LastStatusCode
- LastStatusText
Method Inventory
- ClearHandles()
- ClearPages()
- ClearResults()
- GetLDAPError()
- ldapAddExts()
- ldapBinds()
- ldapCompareExts()
- ldapConnect()
- ldapCountEntries()
- ldapDeleteExts()
- ldapErr2String()
- ldapFirstAttribute()
- ldapFirstEntry()
- ldapGetDN()
- ldapGetError()
- ldapGetNextPages()
- ldapGetOption()
- ldapGetValues()
- ldapGetValuesLen()
- ldapInit()
- ldapModifyExts()
- ldapMsgFree()
- ldapNextAttribute()
- ldapNextEntry()
- ldapRenameExts()
- ldapSASLBinds()
- ldapSearchAbandonPage()
- ldapSearchExts()
- ldapSearchInitPage()
- ldapSetOption()
- ldapSimpleBinds()
- ldapStartTLSs()
- ldapStopTLSs()
- ldapUnBinds()
property %Attribute as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current attribute of %Result
Property methods: %AttributeDisplayToLogical(), %AttributeGet(), %AttributeIsValid(), %AttributeLogicalToDisplay(), %AttributeNormalize(), %AttributeSet()
property %AttributesAtEnd as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Indicates if have come to end of the Attributes
Property methods: %AttributesAtEndDisplayToLogical(), %AttributesAtEndGet(), %AttributesAtEndIsValid(), %AttributesAtEndLogicalToDisplay(), %AttributesAtEndNormalize(), %AttributesAtEndSet()
property %CurrentDN as %String) [ Transient ];
Property methods: %CurrentDNDisplayToLogical(), %CurrentDNGet(), %CurrentDNIsValid(), %CurrentDNLogicalToDisplay(), %CurrentDNLogicalToOdbc(), %CurrentDNNormalize(), %CurrentDNSet()
property %CurrentUser as %String) [ Transient ];
Current user bound as. Either as DN or 'domain\username'
Property methods: %CurrentUserDisplayToLogical(), %CurrentUserGet(), %CurrentUserIsValid(), %CurrentUserLogicalToDisplay(), %CurrentUserLogicalToOdbc(), %CurrentUserNormalize(), %CurrentUserSet()
property %Page as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds the handle to Page searches - only applies to Windows
Property methods: %PageDisplayToLogical(), %PageGet(), %PageIsValid(), %PageLogicalToDisplay(), %PageNormalize(), %PageSet()
property %PageSearchTimeout as %Numeric (MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Number of seconds to wait on each Page Search attempt - only applies to Windows
Property methods: %PageSearchTimeoutDisplayToLogical(), %PageSearchTimeoutGet(), %PageSearchTimeoutIsValid(), %PageSearchTimeoutLogicalToDisplay(), %PageSearchTimeoutNormalize(), %PageSearchTimeoutSet()
property %PageSize as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds the current PageSize requested - only applies to Windows
Property methods: %PageSizeDisplayToLogical(), %PageSizeGet(), %PageSizeIsValid(), %PageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), %PageSizeNormalize(), %PageSizeSet()
property %PagesAtEnd as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Indicates if have come to end of the Paged search
Property methods: %PagesAtEndDisplayToLogical(), %PagesAtEndGet(), %PagesAtEndIsValid(), %PagesAtEndLogicalToDisplay(), %PagesAtEndNormalize(), %PagesAtEndSet()
property %Result as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current result of %Results
Property methods: %ResultDisplayToLogical(), %ResultGet(), %ResultIsValid(), %ResultLogicalToDisplay(), %ResultNormalize(), %ResultSet()
property %Results as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current results of the latest invocation of Search()
Property methods: %ResultsDisplayToLogical(), %ResultsGet(), %ResultsIsValid(), %ResultsLogicalToDisplay(), %ResultsNormalize(), %ResultsSet()
property %ResultsAtEnd as %Boolean;
Indicates if have come to end of the results
Property methods: %ResultsAtEndDisplayToLogical(), %ResultsAtEndGet(), %ResultsAtEndIsValid(), %ResultsAtEndLogicalToDisplay(), %ResultsAtEndNormalize(), %ResultsAtEndSet()
property %Session as %Integer [ Transient ];
This holds handle to the current LDAP Session
Property methods: %SessionDisplayToLogical(), %SessionGet(), %SessionIsValid(), %SessionLogicalToDisplay(), %SessionNormalize(), %SessionSet()
property %startedSSL as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 , Transient ];
Has TLS/SSL started
Property methods: %startedSSLDisplayToLogical(), %startedSSLGet(), %startedSSLIsValid(), %startedSSLLogicalToDisplay(), %startedSSLNormalize(), %startedSSLSet()
property LastCall as %String;
%SYS.LDAP Method
Property methods: LastCallDisplayToLogical(), LastCallGet(), LastCallIsValid(), LastCallLogicalToDisplay(), LastCallLogicalToOdbc(), LastCallNormalize(), LastCallSet()
property LastGeneratedStatus as %Status;
Used to record the generated status
Property methods: LastGeneratedStatusGet(), LastGeneratedStatusIsValid(), LastGeneratedStatusLogicalToOdbc(), LastGeneratedStatusSet()
property LastStatusCategory as %Integer;
Categorization of non success LastStatusCode
Property methods: LastStatusCategoryDisplayToLogical(), LastStatusCategoryGet(), LastStatusCategoryIsValid(), LastStatusCategoryLogicalToDisplay(), LastStatusCategoryNormalize(), LastStatusCategorySet()
property LastStatusCode as %Integer;
LDAP Status return code.
Property methods: LastStatusCodeDisplayToLogical(), LastStatusCodeGet(), LastStatusCodeIsValid(), LastStatusCodeLogicalToDisplay(), LastStatusCodeNormalize(), LastStatusCodeSet()
property LastStatusText as %String;
LDAP Status return code as Text
Property methods: LastStatusTextDisplayToLogical(), LastStatusTextGet(), LastStatusTextIsValid(), LastStatusTextLogicalToDisplay(), LastStatusTextLogicalToOdbc(), LastStatusTextNormalize(), LastStatusTextSet()
method ClearHandles()
method ClearPages()
method ClearResults()
method GetLDAPError(pLastCall As %String = "", pExtraText As %String = "", ByRef pLDAPStatus As %Integer) as %Status
Get the LDAP Error if pLDAPStatus is not defined
Uses pLDAPStatus and pLastCall string to create an error status
Uses pLDAPStatus and pLastCall string to create an error status
Add an entry to the LDAP directory tree.
Authenticate a Windows client to a Windows Active Directory LDAP Server.
method ldapCompareExts(pDN As %String, pAttribute As %String, pData As %String, Output pComparison As %Boolean) as %Status
Determine if an attribute, for a given entry, holds a known value.
Establish a connection to an LDAP server.
Used to force connection from a Windows Client.
Used to force connection from a Windows Client.
Count the number of entries in current results
Delete an entry in the directory tree.
Converts a numeric LDAP error code into a string that describes the error.
Return the first attribute of the current Entry.
method ldapFirstEntry() as %Status
Return a pointer to the first entry of current results.
Retrieve the distinguished name for current entry.
method ldapGetError() as %Integer
Retrieve the last error code returned by an LDAP call for a specific session.
method ldapGetNextPages(pSearchTimeout=..%PageSearchTimeout, pPageSize=..%PageSize) as %Status
Search the LDAP directory using a pages search and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
The page search timeout and page size specified when issuing SearchInitPage are used if none passed in.
The page search timeout and page size specified when issuing SearchInitPage are used if none passed in.
Get options for an LDAP session.
Return string values for current attribute.
Return binary value for current attribute.
method ldapInit(pLDAPServer As %String, pLDAPPort As %String, pLDAPSSLPort As %String, pUseSSL As %Boolean = 0, pServerIsWindowsAD As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Initialize a connection to a LDAP server.
Modify an entry in the directory tree.
method ldapMsgFree() as %Status
Free the results of the last LDAP SearchExts method call.
Return the next attribute of the current Entry.
method ldapNextEntry() as %Status
Return the next entry of current results.
method ldapRenameExts(pDNtoRename As %String, pNewRDN As %String, pNewParent As %String = "", pDeleteOldDN As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Rename the distinguished name of an entry in the directory.
Authenticate a client to a server, using a SASL EXTERNAL mechanism.
method ldapSearchAbandonPage() as %Status
Free the page pointer returned by the ldapSearchInitPage
method ldapSearchExts(pBase, pScope, pFilter, pAttrs, pAttributesOnly=0, pSearchTimeout As %Integer = 0, pSizeLimit As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Search the LDAP directory and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
Use the same default of 0 for SearchTimeout and SizeLimit
Use the same default of 0 for SearchTimeout and SizeLimit
method ldapSearchInitPage(pBase, pScope, pFilter, pAttrs, pAttributesOnly=0, pSearchTimeout=0, pPageSize=0) as %Status
Search the LDAP directory using a paged search and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
Set options for an LDAP session.
Authenticate a client to a server, using a plaintext password.
method ldapStartTLSs() as %Status
Start using TLS encryption on an active LDAP session.
method ldapStopTLSs() as %Status
Stop using TLS encryption on an active LDAP session.
method ldapUnBinds() as %Status
End an LDAP session and frees its resources.
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()