class HS.HC.OAuth2.Server.Generate extends %OAuth2.Server.JWT
This class overrides API methods from core product class %OAuth2.Server.JWT. It provides logic for fulfilling requirements of HL7 SMART on FHIR.Method Inventory
classmethod GenerateAccessToken(pProperties As %OAuth2.Server.Properties, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
This is the IRIS for Health implementation of the Generate Token customization processing method.
Gets the supported claims list from the ValidateUser class.
Calls SetClaims() to add claims to the various pProperties claims arrays.
Calls the super class version of this method to generate the token.
Returns the access token string.
@Argument pProperties The properties object for the current token request. This may or may not have been massaged earlier in token request processing by the Validate User class.
@Output pStatus %Status indicating success or error in processing.
@Return Base64-encoded access token string.
This is the IRIS for Health implementation of the Generate Token customization processing method.
@Argument pProperties The properties object for the current token request. This may or may not have been massaged earlier in token request processing by the Validate User class.
@Output pStatus %Status indicating success or error in processing.
@Return Base64-encoded access token string.
classmethod GetServerCustomization(pCustomizationName As %String, pServer As %RegisteredObject = "") as %String
Return the value of a specified customization setting from the local IRIS OAuth server.
@Argument pCustomizationName Name of the customization setting.
@Argument pServer Optional input of the local IRIS OAuth server configuration object.
@Return Value of the specified customization item.
Return the value of a specified customization setting from the local IRIS OAuth server.
@Argument pCustomizationName Name of the customization setting.
@Argument pServer Optional input of the local IRIS OAuth server configuration object.
@Return Value of the specified customization item.
classmethod SetClaims(pProperties As %OAuth2.Server.Properties, pSupportedClaims As %List)
Update the various claims-related arrays in pProperties to add claims entries to enable subsequent processing to add claim values from the pProperties ClaimValues collection. Default behavior:
JWTClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims are added.
IntrospectionClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims are added.
IDTokenClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims, except for those named in the
ValidateUser class parameter SMARTOnFHIRContextClaims, are added.
UserinfoClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims, except for those named in the
ValidateUser class parameter SMARTOnFHIRContextClaims, are added.
JWTHeaderClaims: No claims are added.
For details about each claims array, see %OAuth2.Server.Properties.
@Argument pProperties The properties object for the current token request. This may or may not have been massaged earlier in token request processing by the ValidateUser class.
@Argument pSupportedClaims List of supported claim names. GenerateAccessToken specifies this parameter as the SupportedClaims list returned by the ValidateUser class.
Update the various claims-related arrays in pProperties to add claims entries to enable subsequent processing to add claim values from the pProperties ClaimValues collection. Default behavior:
For details about each claims array, see %OAuth2.Server.Properties.
@Argument pProperties The properties object for the current token request. This may or may not have been massaged earlier in token request processing by the ValidateUser class.
@Argument pSupportedClaims List of supported claim names. GenerateAccessToken specifies this parameter as the SupportedClaims list returned by the ValidateUser class.
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- AddClaims()
- IsJWT()
- OnRefreshAccessToken()