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class HS.HC.OAuth2.Server.Generate extends %OAuth2.Server.JWT

This class overrides API methods from core product class %OAuth2.Server.JWT. It provides logic for fulfilling requirements of HL7 SMART on FHIR.

Method Inventory


classmethod GenerateAccessToken(pProperties As %OAuth2.Server.Properties, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
This is the IRIS for Health implementation of the Generate Token customization processing method.
  • Gets the supported claims list from the ValidateUser class.
  • Calls SetClaims() to add claims to the various pProperties claims arrays.
  • Calls the super class version of this method to generate the token.
  • Returns the access token string.
    @Argument pProperties The properties object for the current token request. This may or may not have been massaged earlier in token request processing by the Validate User class.
    @Output pStatus %Status indicating success or error in processing.
    @Return Base64-encoded access token string.
  • classmethod GetServerCustomization(pCustomizationName As %String, pServer As %RegisteredObject = "") as %String
    Return the value of a specified customization setting from the local IRIS OAuth server.
    @Argument pCustomizationName Name of the customization setting.
    @Argument pServer Optional input of the local IRIS OAuth server configuration object.
    @Return Value of the specified customization item.
    classmethod SetClaims(pProperties As %OAuth2.Server.Properties, pSupportedClaims As %List)
    Update the various claims-related arrays in pProperties to add claims entries to enable subsequent processing to add claim values from the pProperties ClaimValues collection. Default behavior:
  • JWTClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims are added.
  • IntrospectionClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims are added.
  • IDTokenClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims, except for those named in the ValidateUser class parameter SMARTOnFHIRContextClaims, are added.
  • UserinfoClaims: All claims from pSupportedClaims, except for those named in the ValidateUser class parameter SMARTOnFHIRContextClaims, are added.
  • JWTHeaderClaims: No claims are added.
    For details about each claims array, see %OAuth2.Server.Properties.
    @Argument pProperties The properties object for the current token request. This may or may not have been massaged earlier in token request processing by the ValidateUser class.
    @Argument pSupportedClaims List of supported claim names. GenerateAccessToken specifies this parameter as the SupportedClaims list returned by the ValidateUser class.
  • Inherited Members

    Inherited Methods

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