class HS.HealthConnect.OAuth2.Client.Upgrade.V1 extends HS.HealthConnect.OAuth2.Client.Upgrade.Base
Method Inventory
classmethod InstallOnce-HSSYS-1(pStartingVersion, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Create the /csp/oauth2-client/api web app to support OAuth2.Server APIs.
InstallOnce method only runs on fresh installs, hence we also need to define an Upgrade method to ensure upgrades also get the new webapp and security resource.
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-2(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Create the /csp/oauth2-client/api web app to support OAuth2.Server APIs
InstallOnce method only runs on fresh installs, hence we also need to define an Upgrade method to ensure upgrades also get the new webapp and security resource.