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class HS.BulkFHIR.RestHandler extends %CSP.REST

Method Inventory


parameter HandleCorsRequest = 1;
Inherited description: This parameter influences the CORS support. The default is an empty string meaning 'not specified'. If set to true (1) then CORS processing is ON. If set to false (0) then CORS processing is OFF. If left unset ("") then the decision to process CORS is delegated to the setting on the URL map route.


classmethod Cancel(sessionId As %String) as %Status
classmethod GetResponseMimeType(pResponseFormatCode As %String, ByRef toObject)
classmethod OnPreDispatch(pUrl As %String, pMethod As %String, ByRef pContinue As %Boolean) as %Status
Override of %CSP.REST OnPreDispatch(). This method gets called prior to dispatch of EVERY request. If this method sets pContinue to 0, the request will NOT be dispatched according to the UrlMap. In that case it is the responsibility of this method to return a response.
classmethod ProcessFHIRRequest(pRequestPath As %String) as %Status
classmethod Status(sessionId As %String) as %Status
classmethod VerifyJsonAccept() as %Boolean
Verify that the Accept header includes application/json and/or */*.
classmethod WellKnown() as %Status
classmethod WriteResponse(json As %DynamicObject, pResponseFormatCode As %String, isPretty As %Boolean, pOutStream As %Stream.Object, ByRef pMimeObj)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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