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class HS.Util.XSLT1Transformer extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property StyleSheets as array of %XML.XSLT.CompiledStyleSheet;
Map of XSL locations to compiled stylesheets
Property methods: StyleSheetsBuildValueArray(), StyleSheetsCollectionToDisplay(), StyleSheetsCollectionToOdbc(), StyleSheetsDisplayToCollection(), StyleSheetsGet(), StyleSheetsGetObject(), StyleSheetsGetObjectId(), StyleSheetsGetSwizzled(), StyleSheetsIsValid(), StyleSheetsOdbcToCollection(), StyleSheetsSet(), StyleSheetsSetObject(), StyleSheetsSetObjectId()


classmethod CreateStyleSheetFromFile(pFile, ByRef pXSL As %XML.XSLT.CompiledStyleSheet) as %Status
classmethod CreateStyleSheetFromStream(pStream, ByRef pXSL As %XML.XSLT.CompiledStyleSheet) as %Status
method Transform(pInput="", tXSL, ByRef pOutput, ByRef tParams, CallbackHandler, ErrorHandler) as %Status
Transform a string or stream
method TransformFile(pInput="", tXSL, pOutput As %String = "", ByRef tParams, CallbackHandler, ErrorHandler) as %Status
Transform a file

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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