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InterSystems HealthShare Solutions (all versions)

HealthShare Solutions


  • Unified Care Record
  • Health Insight
  • Patient Index
  • Personal Community
  • Provider Directory
  • Care Community
  • Healthcare Action Engine

To determine your HealthShare and Ensemble platform versions see "Determining your Version".

Before version 2019.1, some HealthShare kits were released on more than one version of Ensemble. Use the HealthShare version string to determine both the version of HealthShare and the version of Ensemble for your kit. For example, the version string below indicates HealthShare 15.03 built on the Ensemble 2016.1.2 platform:

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.1.2 (Build 206U) Mon Jul 25 2016 16:42:32 EDT 
[HealthShare Modules:Core:15.03.6501 + Linkage Engine:15.02.6501 + Patient Index:15.02.6501 
+ Clinical Viewer:15.03.6501 + Active Analytics:15.03.6501]

To obtain the version string, do either of the following:

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