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Supported Technologies

This topic lists the technologies that InterSystems products support.

Supported Platforms

This release supports the listed server platforms and operating system releases on the indicated InterSystems products.

Operating System Patches and Service Packs

Because InterSystems relies on the operating system vendor to ensure compatibility, InterSystems does not certify its products for specific operating system patches or service packs.

In the rare event that a specific patch or service pack (SP) is required to run InterSystems products, the appropriate table indicates the explicit requirement.

If a vendor introduces new features or functionality in a base version to create a new offering, InterSystems does not do additional testing but relies on the vendor to assure the quality of the base version.

Server Platforms



IBM AIX® 7.1 TL4, 7.2 for Power System-64

InterSystems IRIS for AIX is compiled using the IBM XL C/C++ for AIX 16.1.0 compiler. If the system on which you are installing InterSystems IRIS does not have the corresponding version of the runtime already installed, you must install it.

See in a new tab for more information.

Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Server 2016, Server 2019, 10 for x86-64  
Oracle Linux 7 for x86–64

Unmodified kernel. To install InterSystems IRIS on Oracle Linux, use the InterSystems IRIS kits for Red Hat Linux.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for x86-64

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1–8.5 for x86-64 or ARM64

To use Kerberos on the Red Hat platform, you must install the krb5-devel package in addition to the krb5-libs package. See the Red Hat Linux Platform Notes section of the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter of the Installation Guide for detailed information on obtaining these components.

RHEL versions 8.6 and later are incompatible with all versions of IRIS 2020.1

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, 15 for x86-64
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04* LTS for x86-64 or ARM64

A default Ubuntu setting can result in unwanted semaphore deletion. See the Ubuntu Platform Notes section of the “Preparing to Install InterSystems IRIS” chapter of the Installation Guide for more information.

* New at this release

Container Platforms

Container images from InterSystems comply with the Open Container Initiative (OCI)Opens in a new tab specification and are built using the Docker Enterprise Edition engine, which fully supports the OCI standard and allows for the images to be certifiedOpens in a new tab and featured in the Docker Hub registry. InterSystems containers therefore are supported on any OCI compliant runtime engine on Linux-based operating systems, both on-premises and in public clouds.

InterSystems container images are built and tested using Ubuntu as their base operating system. These images are available for the CPU architectures shown below:

Image Operating System

CPU Architecture

Ubuntu 18.04
  • Intel/AMD 64–bit

  • ARM 64–bit

Cloud Platforms

Cloud Platform

Use InterSystems IRIS version for these OS platforms

Amazon EC2 for x86-64
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, 15

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS

Amazon EC2 for ARM64
  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS*

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1–8.5

Google Cloud Platform for x86-64
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, 15

Microsoft Azure for x86-64
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, 15

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS

* New at this release. Container only.

The following restrictions apply to the preceding table:

  • IP addresses are required for mirroring. Virtual IP addresses are not supported for mirroring.

Development Platforms

In addition to the listed Server Platforms, the following platforms are supported for development work:



CentOS-7 x86-64 Requires InterSystems IRIS kits for Red Hat
Apple macOS 10.13, 10.14 for x86-641  

1 Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) is not supported on macOS.

Support for development platforms is subject to the following qualifications:

  • Development platforms are to be used for application development only; they are not supported for deployment of applications.

  • The results of comparative analysis will not be underwritten by InterSystems. No valid conclusions can be drawn from performance, sizing, or other measurements taken on supported development platforms versus other supported platforms.

  • InterSystems will reevaluate its continued support for these platforms with each major release of InterSystems IRIS.

Hardware Considerations

In most cases, this document focuses specifically on operating system versions, and only generally on the characteristics of the underlying hardware. This section is intended as a refinement of that approach, describing specific features of individual hardware offerings that InterSystems products recognize and use to their advantage.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

When run on Intel 64-bit processors, beginning with the Intel® Xeon® Processor (Westmere), InterSystems IRIS makes direct use of hardware instruction(s) to perform AES encryption.

Supported File Systems

This release supports the following file systems on the specified platforms:

Platform Recommended File System Other Supported File Systems
Apple macOS for x86-64 HFS APFS
IBM AIX® for Power System-64 JFS23  
Microsoft Windows for x86-64 NTFS  
Oracle Linux for x86-64 XFS  
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64 or ARM64 XFS ext31, ext41,2, NFS
SUSE Linux Enterprise for x86-64 XFS Btrfs, ext31, ext41,2, NFS, VxFS3
Ubuntu for x86-64 or ARM64 XFS Btrfs, ext31, ext41,2, NFS

* InterSystems recommends this file system for use on this platform.

1 The data=journal mount option for ext3/ext4 file systems is not supported.

2 InterSystems recommends using the ext4 file system with Linux for the journal and WIJ and XFS for data files.

3 For optimum journaling performance, the cio mount option is recommended for JFS2 and VxFS file systems on all supported platforms. If you cannot use cio on VxFS, mounting with direct I/O enabled (file system mount options mincache=direct,convosync=direct) is supported for journaling.

Supported Web Servers

This release supports the Caché Server Pages (CSP) technology on the following web servers for the indicated platforms. This does not necessarily mean that all InterSystems products run on these platforms, but rather that the InterSystems Web Gateway component does.

Web Server Platform
Apache 2.4
  • Apple macOS*

  • IBM AIX® for Power System

  • Microsoft Windows

  • Oracle Linux

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise

  • Ubuntu

Microsoft IIS 7.0 and later
  • Microsoft Windows

Nginx (Stable)
  • Apple macOS

  • IBM AIX® for Power System

  • Microsoft Windows

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise

  • Ubuntu

* If you are using macOS 10.14, review the note about the preinstalled version of Apache in the Apache Servers section of Web Gateway Configuration Guide.

Using Kerberos security and/or SSL for the Web Gateway on 64-bit UNIX® platforms requires 64-bit Apache.

Supported Web Browsers

InterSystems IRIS supports CSP on the web browsers listed in the following tables.

Browser Platforms

Newer versions of the browsers listed in the following table will be supported with the understanding that critical issues may be found that will have to be corrected in a major release of InterSystems IRIS. Those fixes will not be backported to earlier releases of InterSystems IRIS.

InterSystems also requires that browsers support the XML HTTP interface which limits support for some older browser versions.

Platform Supported Web Browsers
Windows Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Opera
Linux Firefox
Android Chrome
iOS Safari
macOS Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Support for the InterSystems IRIS Management Portal (including InterSystems IRIS® Business Intelligence functionality) is limited to the browsers listed in the following table. New versions released by vendors are assumed to provide backward compatibility; they are supported as described in Supported Web Browsers and are tested as they become available.

Web Browser (Platform)


Chrome (Windows, macOS) latest released
Internet Explorer (Windows) 101
Internet Explorer (Windows) 111
Firefox (Windows, macOS, Linux) latest released

1 Internet Explorer 10 and 11 are not supported in Metro mode.

ODBC Support

InterSystems products support multithreaded ODBC on most platforms.

The InterSystems ODBC driver on UNIX®-based systems supports the following driver managers:

  • The iODBC driver manager (see http://www.iodbc.orgOpens in a new tab) — for use with the Unicode and 8-bit ODBC APIs; works with the select executable and the following drivers: iODBC 3.5 driver iODBC 3.5 unicode driver
  • The unixODBC driver manager (see http://www.unixodbc.orgOpens in a new tab) — for use with the 8-bit ODBC API only; works with the selectu executable and the following driver: unixODBC 3.5 driver

    When building with #Define BUILD_REAL_64_BIT_MODE, and only with #Define BUILD_REAL_64_BIT_MODE, use the following unixODBC drivers: unixODBC Real Mode built 3.5 driver

Node.js Support

This release supports Node.js clients on the platforms and operating system versions listed in the Supported Server Platforms table. For information about installation and configuration, see Native API for Node.js.

Platform Endianness

When restoring a backup or transferring a database, the target system must be the same Endianness (Big-endian or Little-endian) as the source system; for example, if a backup was created on a Big-endian system, it cannot be restored to a Little-endian system. For information, see the section on “Using cvendian to Convert Between Big-endian and Little-endian Systems” in Specialized System Tools and Utilities.

The following table identifies the Endianness of the supported server platforms for this release:

Platform Endianness
Apple macOS for x86-64 Little-endian
IBM AIX® for Power System-64 Big-endian
Microsoft Windows for x86-64 Little-endian
Oracle Linux for x86-64 Little-endian
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64 or ARM64 Little-endian
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for x86-64 Little-endian
Ubuntu for x86–64 or ARM64 Little-endian

Supported SQL Gateway Databases

The InterSystems IRIS SQL Gateway supports the following legacy relational database systems:

Database System Version Notes
IBM DB2 9.7, 10.5, 11.1  
Informix 12.10  
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017  
MySQL 5.7  
Oracle 11g, 12c  
Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 16 Data expected in UTF-8 format

This release supports both the JDBC-based and the ODBC-based gateway on all platforms on which the InterSystems IRIS SQL Gateway is available.

Supported .NET Frameworks

This release supports the following Microsoft .NET frameworks:

  • .NET Framework Version 2.0 (Visual Studio 2005)

  • .NET 4.0 (Visual Studio 2010)

  • .NET 4.5 (Visual Studio 2012)

  • .NET Core 1 (Visual Studio 2017)

  • .NET Core 2.0 (Visual Studio 2017)


InterSystems IRIS .NET clients do not support Kerberos because the .NET framework does not include direct Kerberos support.

Supported Java Technologies

InterSystems Java products require a Java Development Kit (JDK) from Oracle (or a compatible JDK). This release supports the following JDKs:

Development Kits Versions
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 8
OpenJDK 8

Please contact InterSystems if you would like to take advantage of InterSystems product license sharing when running Java on Windows Terminal Servers.

Other Supported Technologies

This release supports other technologies as specified in the following tables:

Supported Libraries Version
ICU 4.0
Xerces 3.1.1
OpenSSL Instance-specific; to determine the version in use by the instance, call $SYSTEM.Encryption.OpenSSLVersion()
ODBC Driver Managers Version
unixODBC 2.3.4
iODBC 3.52.4

Other Supported Features

InterSystems products support the LDAP protocol, multithreaded callin, T-SQL programming extensions, and the MQ Interface as indicated in the following table. (Supported operating system versions are those listed in the Supported Server Platforms table.)

Platform Supported Features
Apple macOS for x86-64 LDAP, T-SQL,
IBM AIX® for Power System-64 LDAP, T-SQL, MQ Interface
Microsoft Windows for x86-64 LDAP, Multithreaded Callin, T-SQL, MQ Interface
Oracle Linux for x86-64 LDAP, Multithreaded Callin, T-SQL, MQ Interface1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64 or ARM64 LDAP, Multithreaded Callin, T-SQL, MQ Interface1
SUSE Linux Enterprise for x86-64 LDAP, Multithreaded Callin, T-SQL, MQ Interface1
Ubuntu for x86–64 or ARM64 LDAP, Multithreaded Callin, T-SQL, MQ Interface1

1 The minimum version supported by InterSystems IRIS is WebSphere MQ V7.0.

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