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abstract class HS.Doc.Utility.Setup

Utility methods for HS.Doc.* classes.

Method Inventory


classmethod BuildAll(displayDetail As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
BuildAll calls BuildAllMappingXMLs and ImportAllMappingXMLs to re-generate all of the HL7 and CDA-related mappings.
classmethod BuildAllMappingXMLs(pOutputDirectory As %String = {##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory("Temp", $System.Util.ManagerDirectory())}, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0, tTempFiles)
BuildAllMappingXMLs creates the mapping XML files in pOutputDirectory for all of the HL7 and CDA-related mappings.
classmethod CheckHSSYSDocGlobals() as %Status
classmethod DeleteDocGlobals(pAdd As %String)
classmethod ImportAllMappingXMLs(pInputDirectory As %String = {##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory("Temp", $System.Util.ManagerDirectory())}, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
ImportAllMappingXMLS deletes all existing stored mapping data and then imports the data from all of the mapping XML files in pInputDirectory.
classmethod Mapping(pNamespace=$Namespace, pActivate=1, pIsUpgrade=0) as %Status
Setup Global Mappings to HSSYS
classmethod MoveDocGlobals(pAdd As %String)
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