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class HS.AU.SMD.Services extends HS.IHE.Common.Services.SOAPServer.Base, HS.AU.SMD.Common

This WebService class extends HS.Util.SOAPServer.Base so that the streams can be manipulated directly which means responses need to be of type HS.Message.XMLMessage

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NAMESPACE;
This is the namespace used by the Service
Use xsi:type attribute for literal types.
parameter SERVICENAME = SealedMessageDeliveryServices;
This is the name of the Service
parameter SETTINGS = SMDProcess:Basic:selector?multiSelect=1&context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId};
Inherited description: Can't do grace period without an OnTask loop
This is the namespace used for types by the Service


property SMDProcess as Ens.DataType.ConfigName [ InitialExpression = "HS.AU.SMD.Process" ];
Property methods: SMDProcessDisplayToLogical(), SMDProcessGet(), SMDProcessIsValid(), SMDProcessLogicalToDisplay(), SMDProcessLogicalToOdbc(), SMDProcessNormalize(), SMDProcessParseConfigNameSpec(), SMDProcessSet()


final method Deliver(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
Accept request and generate a receipt acknowledgment (later send processed acknowledgment) Method Deliver(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pResponse As HS.AU.Message.SMD.DeliverResponse) As %Status [ Final, ProcedureBlock = 1, SoapAction = "", SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ]
method GenerateSynchronousResponse(pRequest As HS.AU.Message.SMD.InboundMessageRequest, pProcessorResponse As HS.AU.Message.SMD.MessageType, Output pResponse As HS.AU.Message.SMD.ImmediateDeliveryResponse) as %Status
For ImmediateDelivery take response and sign and encrypt
method GetInboundMessage(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pInboundMessage As HS.AU.Message.SMD.InboundMessageRequest, Output pSOAPFault)
extract inbound delivery message (for immediate and asynchronous)
method GetResponseMetadata(pMetadataIn As HS.AU.Types.SMD.MessageMetadataType, ByRef pMetadataOut As HS.AU.Types.SMD.MessageMetadataType) as %Status
Used to generate the metadata for a synchronous response
method GetSignedPayloadStream(document As %XML.Document, Output pStream As %GlobalBinaryStream) as %Status
classmethod GetSigningX509(pHPIONumber As %String, x509Cert As %SYS.X509Credentials) as %Status
This method returns an X509 Credentials object by looking at the HPIO configurations and is used to sign the immediate responses
method ImmediateDelivery(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
Receive request, generate response and respond immediately
method OnProcessInput(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage = $$$NULLOREF, ByRef pHint As %Library.String) as %Status
Inherited description: Override this method to process incoming data. Do not call SendRequestSync/Async() from outside this method (e.g. in a SOAP Service or a CSP page).
method TRDProcessing(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status
Accept processed acknowledgement
final method TransportResponseDelivery(pResponses As %ListOfObjects(ELEMENTTYPE="HS.AU.Types.SMD.TransportResponseType", XMLPROJECTION="element", XMLNAME="response")) as %String [ WebMethod ]
method ValidateSignatures(document As %XML.Document, signatures As HS.AU.SMD.SignatureListType, Output SOAPFault) as %Status
method makeDeliverError(responseClass="Error", responseCode="", message="", SOAPFaultCode As %String = "") as %SOAP.Fault12
Errors that occur as part of code or configuration - failure the deliver the message in the firstplace
method makeDeliverErrorFromStatus(tSC As %Status, SOAPFaultCode As %String = "") as %SOAP.Fault12
Errors that occur as part of code or configuration - failure the deliver the message in the firstplace
method makeStandardError(code="", message="", SOAPFaultCode As %String = "") as %SOAP.Fault12
Errors regarding the content of the message, or the format. Message delivered, but failure to process.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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