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Method Inventory


classmethod DELETEanalysis() as %Status
DELETE /analysis removes the entry for the ID provided, prior to deleting checks will be run to ensure the analysis is not in use. The list of remaining items will be returned.
classmethod DELETEcredentials() as %Status
DELETE /credentials removes the entry for the ID provided, prior to deleting checks will be run to ensure the credentials are not in use. The list of remaining items will be returned.
classmethod DELETEfhirrepository() as %Status
DELETE /fhirrepository removes the entry for the ID provided, prior to deleting checks will be run to ensure the repository is not in use. The list of remaining items will be returned.
classmethod DELETEprojection() as %Status
DELETE /projection using the ID provided, the classes for this projection are removed from the fhir repository The list of remaining items will be returned.
classmethod DELETEtransformspec() as %Status
DELETE /transformspec removes the entry for the ID provided, prior to deleting checks will be run to ensure the transform spec is not in use. The list of remaining items will be returned.
classmethod GETanalysis() as %Status
Query the status of a repository analysis task, if no TASKID and ID are provided report on all known tasks
classmethod GETanalysis/() as %Status
classmethod GETanalysisresult() as %Status
Fetch the results of a repository analysis task by TASKID
classmethod GETcredentials() as %Status
GET /credentials returns the entry for the ID provided (without passwords)
classmethod GETcredentials/() as %Status
GET /credentials/ returns the list of available credentials (without passwords)
classmethod GETfhirrepository() as %Status
GET /fhirrepository Get the details of an existing fhirRepository record using the ID provided
classmethod GETfhirrepository/() as %Status
GET /fhirrepository/ Get a list of existing fhirRepository records including all the details
classmethod GEThostfhirrepository() as %Status
Return a list of fhir repositories for a given host
classmethod GETprojection() as %Status
Return a collection of projection objects
classmethod GETprojection/() as %Status
classmethod GETssl/() as %Status
GET /ssl/ returns a list of SSL client values
classmethod GETtransformspec() as %Status
Fetch an individual transform specification (if SPECID is defined) or a list of spec ID on file if no SPECID is provided
classmethod GETtransformspec/() as %Status
classmethod POSTanalysis() as %Status
Schedule an analysis task to be launched and get back a TASKID for future reference The scheduling request should be of the form:
	"maxDistinct":(number - e.g.1000),  
	"selectivityPercentage":50, (either selectivityPercentage or maxRecords, 
									currently only selectivityPercentage is partially working)
	"maxRecords":(number - 1000),
	"startTime":(string - schedule for future, absence means ASAP),

SHOWSPEC=1 provides document format
classmethod POSTcredentials() as %Status
POST /credentials Create a new credentials entry with systemName, username, password
classmethod POSTfhirrepository() as %Status
POST /fhirrepository Append the details of a new fhirrepository record and return the the colleciton of items
classmethod POSTprojection() as %Status
Submit a schema specification to the FHIR repository which will create the tables Returns a collection of projection objects Call with SHOWSPEC=1 to get current template SHOWSPEC=1 provides document format
classmethod POSTtransformspec() as %Status
SHOWSPEC=1 provides document format
classmethod PUTanalysis() as %Status
Resume a suspended analysis task by TASKID
classmethod PUTcredentials() as %Status
PUT /credentials Update an existing credentials entry, SHOWSPEC=1 provides document format
classmethod PUTfhirrepository() as %Status
PUT /fhirrepository Update the details of a particular fhirRepository record. SHOWSPEC=1 provides document format
classmethod PUTprojection() as %Status
Using provided ID, tell the build task to use the updated specification
classmethod PUTtransformspec() as %Status
Save a draft of a transform specification for later use SHOWSPEC=1 provides document format

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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