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class HS.HealthConnect.Common.Upgrade.V2 extends HS.Util.Installer.Upgrade.ModuleAbstract

Method Inventory


classmethod GetAppUpdatesWithRole(pNamespace As %String, pRole As %String, pDBResource As %String, Output pApplications As %String)
Find all csp applications for this namespace that match the DBResource name or %HS_DB_{dbresource} and update to %HS_DB_{NAMESPACE} pNamespace - the namespace we'll ensure matches the csp app namespace pRole - the role we want to assign %HS_DB_{NAMESPACE} which includes %-_ pDBResource - the database resource ie %DB_DEFAULT or %DB_HSFTEST which we'll match to %DB_DEFAULT or %HS_DB_DEFAULT and update to pRole
classmethod Upgrade-Foundation-1(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
classmethod Upgrade-Foundation-2(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Ensure that the error message domain subscript mappings from HSLIB that are required for Foundation namespaces are in place. Mappings of the same subscripts from HSLIB to HSSYS will already have taken place via Installer.Install.
classmethod Upgrade-Foundation-3(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Foundation namespaces created from SMP allowed users to create non-standard resource names (for I4H/HC) or assign %DB_DEFAULT, but applications expected something different Namespaces created with the wizard didn't allow non-standard values Patch inconsistent %HS_DB_ roles where namespace was defined without installer wizard and has %-_ in the name Previously the namespace names would be converted using PUD for the %HS_DB_ role name
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-1(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Rebuild indices for service registry due to addition of new index
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-2(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Kill metadata for old System API code.
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-3(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Deprecated Upgrade Step: Add IPM mappings for ConfigItem namespaces map to their CODEDATABASE Removed in HS 24.1 & HC/I4H 24.1. No operation.
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-4(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Delete IPM mappings for ConfigItem namespaces and HSCUSTOM if they were added in HS 23.2 or HC/I4H 23.3 release