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class HS.HealthConnect.FHIRMeta.Upgrade.V1 extends HS.HealthConnect.FHIRMeta.Upgrade.Base

Method Inventory


classmethod ConvertMetaGlobalSubs(pNamespace As %String)
Convert primary subscript on ^HS.FHIRServer.Meta to shorter values for IF-3047.
classmethod EnsureHSDBRole()
Loop through all active namespaces and call ##class(HS.HealthConnect.Common.Upgrade.V2)."Upgrade-Foundation-3"(,,) to resolve HSAP -> 2023.3 because FHIR executes namespace upgrades from HSSYS (looping through all) the individual foundation updates have not been executed.
Foundation namespaces created from SMP allowed users to create non-standard resource names (for I4H/HC) or assign %DB_DEFAULT, but applications expected something different Namespaces created with the wizard didn't allow non-standard values
Patch inconsistent %HS_DB_ roles where namespace was defined without installer wizard and has %-_ in the name Previously the namespace names would be converted using PUD for the %HS_DB_ role name
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-1(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Move to Module Based upgrade steps means we should ensure the old FHIR Server upgrade steps are run automatically
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-2(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Convert primary subscript on ^HS.FHIRServer.Meta to shorter values.
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-3(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Add FHIR version abbrevation to FHIR version mapping table in each FHIR enabled namespace.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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