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class HS.HealthConnect.FHIRRepo.Upgrade.MethodsV4

Move out the implementation details of our upgrade methods to enable easier adhocing to versions that predate our upgrade framework

Method Inventory


classmethod DeleteOprhanedRsrcRows()
Called from ##class(HS.HealthConnect.FHIRRepo.Upgrade.V4)."Upgrade-HSSYS-2"() Deleted orphaned Rsrc search table rows
classmethod IndexNameAddress()
Called from ##class(HS.HealthConnect.FHIRRepo.Upgrade.V4)."Upgrade-HSSYS-1"() Re-index search tables that have Number search params
classmethod ReindexNameAddress()
Called from ##class(HS.HealthConnect.FHIRRepo.Upgrade.V4)."Upgrade-HSSYS-1"() Re-index Name and Address search params to correct text element
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