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class HS.HealthConnect.FHIRRepo.Upgrade.V2 extends HS.HealthConnect.FHIRServer.Upgrade.Base

Method Inventory


classmethod AddBitmapIndexWorker(pRepoId, pSearchClass) as %Status
Worker job to asynchronously add new bitmap indices in the generated search table classes
classmethod BuildAndMigrateBitmapIndices(ByRef pBackgroundItem As HS.HC.Util.Installer.Upgrade.BackgroundItem)
classmethod BuildAndMigrateBitmapIndicesWorker(pRepoId, pSearchClass) as %Status
Worker job to build new bitmap index and swap over from old index. Then purge and remove old index from search class definition.
classmethod FixBooleanSearchParams()
This method will find all the Boolean search parameters, update them to bitmap index type in the HS_FHIRServer_Storage_Json.SearchColumn table It will then purge the index, redefine it as a bitmap index in the generated search table. Finally it will kick off a background job that will repopulate the search table with the correct true/false/null values from the resource
classmethod FixBooleanSearchParamsWorker(pSearchClass, pIndexList) as %Status
Worker job to asynchronously purge and redefine boolean search parameter indices as bitmaps in the generated search table classes
classmethod IndexBooleanSearchParams(ByRef pBackgroundItem As HS.HC.Util.Installer.Upgrade.BackgroundItem)
Re-index search tables that have boolean search params
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-1(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Rebuild search tables for all repos to pick up changes to allow resource types with no search parameters.
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-3(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Fix boolean search parameters
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-4(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Migrate ^HS.Upgrade("BackgroundJob") to new persistent table in HSSYS: HS.HC.Util.Installer.Upgrade.BackgroundItem
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-5(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Added in FHIRRepo V 2.8 Convert search parameters to Bitmap indices for these DataTypes: "CodeableConcept","Coding","code","canonical","uri","url" (with some caveats) And for these columnNames: "addressCity","addressPostalcode","addressUse" Conversion will define a new bitmap index in the search table, but disable the selectivity of the index till it's fully built. Once the new bitmap index is fully built and selectable the old standard index will have it's selectivity turned off and then it will be purged and removed from the search table class definition.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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