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class HS.HealthConnect.FHIRRepo.Upgrade.V3 extends HS.HealthConnect.FHIRServer.Upgrade.Base

Method Inventory


classmethod BuildResourceTypeIndex(ByRef pBackgroundItem As HS.HC.Util.Installer.Upgrade.BackgroundItem)
Background job code to build the new ResourceTypeIndex/$Rsrc extent indices
classmethod BuildResourceTypeIndexWorker(pRsrcClassName As %String) as %Status
classmethod FixNumberSearchParams()
This method will find all the Number search parameters and correct their type in their search table class. Then it will kick off a background job that will repopulate the search table with the correct Numeric value (rather than string)
classmethod FixNumberSearchParamsWorker(pSearchClass As %String = "", pColumnList As %List = "", pTypeList As %List = "") as %Status
Worker job to asynchronously correct the property type of Number search params in the generated search table classes
classmethod IndexNumberSearchParams(ByRef pBackgroundItem As HS.HC.Util.Installer.Upgrade.BackgroundItem)
Re-index search tables that have Number search params
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-1(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Include $Sequence for row number in storage definition of all search tables
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-2(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Add bitmap index to Rsrc table on ResourceType
classmethod Upgrade-HSSYS-3(pStartingVersion As %Integer, pInstalledVersion As %Integer, pIsUpgrade As %Boolean)
Fix Number type search parameters - they were defined as the wrong datatype in the search tables and were not being indexed

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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