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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Data.Message

Provides utility methods for choosing and formatting text messages for output to HTML pages for the UI (format "HTML"), to DTL tag content in DTL classes (format "DTL"), or to exported HTML formatted status reports (format "HTMLReport"). The rules for the format called "DTL" here are valid for any XML tag content.

"HTML" is the default.

Method Inventory


classmethod BuildCodeTableDetailHelp(schema) as %Status
deprecated classmethod BuildFHIRComplexTypeHelp(schema As %String) as %Status
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed to build FHIR documentation within the tool. FHIR information is more widely available now than when the tool was first built. Stores (for later retrieval) line-ending formatted text that lists and explains ALL paths with data type relationships within resource hierarchical structure for the specified FHIR schema (FHIR2 or FHIR3). This is to support work on recursive nesting within resources in the schema.
classmethod DataDecorate(schema As %String = "", dataRaw As %String = "", separator As %String = " ", excludePrimitives As %Boolean = 1, externalLinksOnly As %Boolean = 0, sort As %String = "", pair As %String = "", autoMapped As %Boolean = 0, backboneHeader As %Boolean = 0, excludeClassLinks As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Decorates a data type value for display in HTML, including links to other resources in either of the two schemas being compared.
classmethod EscapeHTML(in) as %String
As in %CSP.Page
deprecated classmethod FAQ() as %String
Deprecated. These questions were anticipated, but were never asked in real life. Some are no longer relevant or have answers that have gone out of date. As one example, time zone handling has changed in HealthShare since this was written.
classmethod FHIRCodeObjectValue(from As %String = "", fromPath As %String = "", sourceValue As %String = "", to As %String = "", toPath As %String = "", toLeaf As %String = "", mapSource As %Boolean = 0, dependsOn As %String = "", exclude As %String = "", toDefault As %String = "", issueType As %String(VALUELIST=",Provided,Missing")="Provided", flag As %String = "", resource As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetCodeTableDetailHelp(schema As %String, Output text) as %Status
classmethod GetFHIRBaseElementURL(resource) as %String
Message HTML
classmethod GetFHIRCodeHelp(schema As %String, path As %String, valueSet As %String = "", codeType As %String, codeValue As %String, codeStatus As %String = "", Output codeHelp) as %Status
classmethod GetFHIRCodeTitle(schema As %String, path As %String, codeType As %String, codeValue As %String, Output codeTitle) as %Status
deprecated classmethod GetFHIRComplexTypeHelp(type As %Integer) as %String
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed to build FHIR documentation within the tool. FHIR information is more widely available now than when the tool was first built. Explanations for flags for data type relationships within resource hierarchical structure (FHIR). For flag definitions see
deprecated classmethod GetFHIRComplexTypeHelpAll() as %String
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed to build FHIR documentation within the tool. FHIR information is more widely available now than when the tool was first built. Returns line-ending formatted text that explains ALL flags for data type relationships within resource hierarchical structure (FHIR). For flag definitions see
deprecated classmethod GetFHIRComplexTypeHelpMacro(type As %Integer) as %String
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed to build FHIR documentation within the tool. FHIR information is more widely available now than when the tool was first built. Explanations for macros for getting information about data type relationships within resource hierarchical structure (FHIR). For macro definitions see
deprecated classmethod GetFHIRComplexTypeHelpMacroAll(schema As %String, Output text) as %Status
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed to build FHIR documentation within the tool. FHIR information is more widely available now than when the tool was first built.
deprecated classmethod GetFHIRComplexTypeHelpVerbose(schema As %String, Output text) as %Status
Deprecated. This method is no longer needed to build FHIR documentation within the tool. FHIR information is more widely available now than when the tool was first built. Returns line-ending formatted text that lists and explains ALL paths with data type relationships within resource hierarchical structure for the specified FHIR schema (FHIR2 or FHIR3). This is to support work on recursive nesting within resources in the schema.
classmethod GetFHIRReferenceHelp(schema As %String, path As %String, valueSet As %String, Output refHelp) as %Status
classmethod GetFieldChildrenText(purpose As %String, schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, order As %String = "", Output fieldText As %String) as %Status
Path Message HTML

This method is for drawing one option in the drop-down list that is offered in the detailed info display for a field, under the label "Children".

GetFieldChildrenText is the method that GetFieldText calls for each direct child of the path input to GetFieldInfo. As GetFieldText is currently written, GetFieldText is called only if we already know this path is an object. Most of the comments for GetFieldText apply to this method (see GetFieldText).

Note this method does not recurse down levels; it returns only direct child fields of the input path. Omit order, or set it to an empty string, to get the list of fields in alphabetical order. Set order to "spec" to get the results in the same order as in the schema CSV file (for FHIR, this is FHIR spec order).

classmethod GetFieldText(purpose As %String, schema As %String, path As %String, from As %String, to As %String, first As %Boolean = 1, last As %Boolean = 1, Output fieldText As %String) as %Status
Path Message HTML

This method is for drawing the drop-down list that is offered in the detailed info display for a field, under the label "Children". This drop-down list appears in the info display only if the field is an object. The purpose of this field is to navigate down a level in the resource structure, if desired.

Given a schema and path, returns information about that path in that schema, in the argument called fieldText. The input argument purpose explains the purpose of the fieldText, generally HTML for the UI.

path is expected to be a full field path with a resource or class name, a colon separator, and a field path after the colon. However, a path that consists of only a resource or class name with no colon and no field path is also supported.

This method initializes the argument called fieldText to an empty string, then returns information in it. This information consists of the path, plus additions like (List) (Object) to describe what kind of resource or element the path represents.

Currently this method is often called when we are getting a list of fields for some particular purpose. Usually a list of this kind needs a container at the start and end. So: first says whether this is the first field in such a list; last says whether this is the last field in such a list. first and last give us the cue to provide the start or end of the required container.

Currently the formatting of the message created in fieldText is HTML for the UI. Other formatting should be possible.

classmethod GetLinkToFHIRSpec(schema, resource) as %String
Message HTML
classmethod GetLinkToFHIRValueSet(schema, name) as %String
Message HTML the caller must already know this is a FHIR value set
classmethod GetLinkToSDA3Spec(resource) as %String
Message HTML
classmethod GetLinkToSpec(schema, resource, excludeClassLinks As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Message HTML For exporting HTML reports, set excludeClassLinks to 1 (true).
classmethod GetMapClinicalTypeDescription(clinicalType As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetMapFlagDescription(mapFlag As %String = "") as %String
Provide the full sentence description for an issue flag defined in in the macros MapIssueFlag, MappIssueRoot, and MapIssueType. The tool can use a new flag only if it is defined in, here, and GetMapFlagDescription()

For the short descriptive label of an issue flag see GetMapFlagLabel() defines every issue as one of these two types: A (auto-handled) or U (unhandled). For documentation see GetMapIssueTypeLabel() and GetMapIssueLabelDescription().

Some of the flags here are reserved for future use; for example E "Source is an Extension" because we do not yet handle customized fields that we encounter in source data.

classmethod GetMapFlagLabel(mapFlag As %String = "") as %String
Provide the short descriptive label for an issue flag defined in in the macros MapIssueFlag, MappIssueRoot, and MapIssueType. The tool can use a new flag only if it is defined in, here, and GetMapFlagDescription()

For the full sentence description of an issue flag see GetMapFlagDescription() defines every issue as one of these two types: A (auto-handled) or U (unhandled). For documentation see GetMapIssueTypeLabel() and GetMapIssueLabelDescription().

Some of the flags here are reserved for future use; for example E "Source is an Extension" because we do not yet handle customized fields that we encounter in source data.

classmethod GetMapFlagRootLabel(mapFlag As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetMapIssueTypeDescription(issueType As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetMapIssueTypeLabel(issueType As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetMapIssuesDisplay(mapIssues As %String = "") as %String
A comma-separated string of GetMapFlagLabel values. If the input argument is empty or not supplied, return information about all map issues.
classmethod GetPathsFieldsText(schema As %String, path As %String, likelyResource As %String = "", likelyElement As %String = "", Output text) as %Status
Path Message HTML

This method is for drawing the drop-down list that is offered to choose fields to map "To" in the UI Edit popup.

Called to generate text for displaying information as HTML in the UI so that a developer can select only the appropriate elements as targets of a mapping "to" this schema (SchemaMap.Tool.UI.Edit:DrawToFields does this). The "likely" values are used by the UI to pre-populate choices in select drop-downs in an intuitive way.

classmethod GetResourceLabel(schema As %String, path As %String) as %String
classmethod GetSeparatorsForValidation(format="HTML", join, stop, urgentStart, urgentEnd, outerFirst, outerNext, outerBreak, outerClose, outerEnd, innerFirst, innerNext, innerBreak, innerClose, innerEnd) as %Status
classmethod HelpIcon() as %String
Provide help text regarding the action icons for the Actions column in the mapping display table.
classmethod SyntaxGuide() as %String
HTML-formatted content for a quick guide to ObjectScript syntax and Schema Mapper path syntax, for use where needed
classmethod TargetSchemaInfo(from As %String = "", to As %String = "", resource As %String = "") as %String
classmethod TimeStamp() as %String
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