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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Data.Parse

Provides utility methods for taking apart path strings and putting them back together. Many of these methods were originally in SchemaMap.Data.Read, but all do more than simply read data.

Use caution when calling macros other than $$$MapLog* macros in this class. Methods in this class are called from SchemaMap.Tool.Build.Generate to generate the ^SchemaMap.Paths global upon which most of the macros are based.

Method Inventory


classmethod BuildInfoPath(schema As %String = "", original As %String = "") as %String
Do not call this method directly; call SchemaMap.Tool.Data.Read:GetInfoPath which will call this method if it needs to, after looking up a stored InfoPath fails.

A top path is a path that is directly documented in one of the FHIR schema definitions from It therefore appears in a schema CSV file and contains information in the ^SchemaMap.Paths global.

The InfoPath for a top path is itself.

A deeper path, alternatively called a subpath, is a longer, but still valid path in a FHIR schema. It is not directly documented in the schema definition or in the schema CSV file because that would be redundant, when the FHIR schema definition hierarchy can be navigated from parent to child easily, by clicking online links on or in the SchemaMap UI.

The InfoPath for a deeper path is some top path within its own schema.

If this method cannot determine an InfoPath, it returns an empty string.

This method walks up and down path segments, pivoting on path types and BackboneElement types when needed. In the process, when reforming paths, it consults the schema definition, for example regarding cardinality (should there be a [n] in the path).

This method detects if its path walking has become circular, by detecting when its processing has produced an exact repeat of the original path that was input to it, without also finding a solution for that path.

Since it is not possible to anticipate and evade all possible variations on malformed input paths as the value of the original argument, this method also counts its cycles. It stops if it reaches a limit (currently 1000 cycles). In this case it outputs a LOGIC message to ^SchemaMap.Log.

classmethod ComposePathFromChild(schema As %String, path As %String, child As %String) as %String
Given a path within a particular schema, append a child field to that path. Check if the path is a list and if so insert that indicator "[n]" in the path. Check if the path is a resource and if so use ":" as a connector instead of "."

Uses several $$$Map macros, which means it can invoke GetInfoPath. Also see ComposePathFromChildPaths.

classmethod ComposePathFromChildPaths(schema As %String, path As %String, child As %String) as %String
This safer verison of ComposePathFromChild avoids use of $$$Map macros where that might induce circular calls to GetPathInfo. Instead it uses the ^SchemaMap.Paths global, or calls only those $$$Map macros that it trusts to simply parse paths as strings.
classmethod FormMapResultObjectFromValues(Output result As %ZEN.proxyObject, fromPath As %String = "", sourceValue As %String = "", sourceXF As %String = "", toPath As %String = "", toXF As %String = "", autoMapped As %Boolean = 0, classMethod As %String = "", subTransform As %String = "", defaultValue As %String = "", extension As %String = "", dependsOn As %String = "", notes As %String = "", append As %Boolean = 0, exclude As %String = "", active As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
This method assists a preview of MapIssues for a potential row in a mapping table.

The method creates a %ZEN.proxyObject that has the same properties as the %SQL.StatementResult that would be returned from the SchemaMap.Tool.SQL.Read:Map method, if such a row existed in the mapping table.

The caller can send this %ZEN.proxyObject into SchemaMap.Tool.Validate.Datatype:GetInfo to find out what the resulting MapIssues would be, if the row existed. This is handy for SchemaMap.Tool.UI.Edit and for other cases in SchemaMap.Tool. It is also used in each mapping table %OnBeforeSave method, to calculate a MapIssues value.

%DynamicObject doesn't let code access properties on both objects the same way, so did not use it.

Only those properties of the SchemaMap.Tool.SQL.Read:Map %SQL.StatementResult that are actually useful as inputs to GetInfo are supported as input values to this method. These are properties that have some effect on calculating the MapIssues value for a row: SourcePath, SourceValue, SourceTransform, TargetPath, TargetTransform AutoMapped, SubTransform, ClassMethod, DefaultValue, Extension, DependsOn, MapNotes, Append, ExcludeList, Active

Note that whenever the result properties from the Map method change, developers need to see if FormMapResultObjectFromValues needs to be updated, or calls to GetInfo (that depend on it) could break.

classmethod FormPathFromParts(schema As %String, path As %String, leaf As %String) as %String
The method is used when forming InfoPath column values for deeper paths. Appends the leaf field to the input path. Applies cardinality appropriately to the resulting path. If the input path is not a top path, this method will return an empty string without executing (will not be useful).

Note: since all input paths that are accepted for consideration are top paths, macros that call *Lookup* methods may be (and should be) avoided in this code. Such macros call GetInfoPath, and so will cause errors when this method is used during BuildInfoPath.

classmethod GetClassBasedIndexValue(schema As %String, path As %String) as %String
TO DO: For a class-based schema, when sorting display rows for resources that are subclasses of other resources (such as for HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.* under HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail) ensure that paths higher up in the package hierarchy appear near the top of the table. Sorting alphabetically by path places these rows near the bottom of the table.
classmethod GetClassParameterIfAny(param As %String, type As %String, Output text As %String, Output number As %Integer) as %Status
SDA3, Trak Analyze

The type argument is a string found in the schema table data type column. This method parses the raw value in type, to return various information.

The type string is expected to possibly contain ObjectScript class parameters that constrain the type. The input argument param identifies the class parameter we are looking for in the type string.

This method parses type to find param, and if found, returns the value of param to the caller in two forms: text: a text value, and (when applicable) number: the same value as text, as a numeric value. The caller should know which of these values it needs.

Currently the ObjectScript types this method handles are %String and %Numeric and the ObjectScript class parameters for constraining data types that this method handles are VALUELIST, DISPLAYLIST, MAXLEN, SCALE.

TO DO: Other types and parameters might be needed (but these cover a lot of the cases we need).

classmethod GetDTLClassname(package As %String, from As %String, to As %String, source As %String, target As %String) as %String
Piece together the parts of a DTL class name based on the input arguments, and return the name.
classmethod GetDataTypeInfoFromColumn(schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, Output typeShortName As %String = "", Output simpleType As %String = "", Output generalType As %String = "", Output codeType="", Output codeValue As %String = "", Output codeStatus="", Output valueSet="") as %Status
Input argument type is a full data type string (from a schema table DataType column) which may contain punctuation.

typeShortName is just the data type name without any modifiers that might appear after it in the type string.

simpleType is a returned string which tells us which simple type it is: "IsString" "IsInteger", "IsDecimal", "IsBoolean", "IsTime", "IsBinary".

If simpleType is non-empty, generalType is "IsPrimitive". If simpleType is empty, generalType is one of these: "IsCode", "IsReference", "IsBackbone", "IsVariantRoot", or "IsComplex" (the default if not any of the others).

If this method is unable to determine generalType or typeShortName, it sets all of the output values to "". The caller should check for this. There is no valid case where typeShortName or generalType is empty. simpleType may be empty, as above, when no simple type applies.

codeStatus and valueSet apply only if the schema is a FHIR type and the generalType is "IsCode". codeStatus indicates how flexible FHIR is about the value set: "IsPreferred", "IsRequired", "IsExtensible", "IsExample"; valueSet is the name of the value set, or "*" for any value set.

if generalType is "IsReference" then valueSet is a list of the resources that Reference can point to.

if generalType is "IsVariantRoot" then valueSet is a list of the data types the field can have.

For accuracy, for any combination of schema, path, and type input to GetDataTypeInfoFromColumn, SetPathsElementInfo or SetPathsElementInfo must first be called, immediately prior to calling GetDataTypeInfoFromColumn.

classmethod GetFHIRCodeValue(schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, Output codeValue As %String, Output codeStatus, Output valueSet) as %Status
The type argument is a string found in a schema table DataType column.

This method parses the raw value in type to store various information in the ^SchemaMap.Paths global.

The multiple Output arguments serve various purposes for the caller: codeValue is the part of the type string that contains either the value set name and symbols in parentheses; valueSet is the value set for the code in codeValue (if there is one), without any parentheses or symbols; codeValue may be (*) and valueSet may be * which indicates that any value set is fine.

For the FHIR data types code and Coding, this method seeks a Coding or CodeableConcept ancestor for the input path, to determine which is really the correct value set limitation (if any), because the code or Coding object definition simply uses * (no specific value set)

classmethod GetFHIRDataTypeInfoFromColumn(schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, Output typeShortName As %String, Output simpleType As %String, Output generalType As %String, Output codeType As %String, Output codeValue As %String, Output codeStatus As %String, Output valueSet As %String) as %Status
classmethod GetFHIRSortOrderIndexValue(sortOrder As %String = "", resourceType As %String, field As %String) as %String
The method is used to get a sort order index value for FHIR inherited base fields, which do not have rows in the schema table.

sortOrder is "spec" for FHIR spec order, or empty string for the default alphabetical.

When sortOrder = "spec" the UI sorts the list of fields in a resource using schema table row ID value for each field. When this is true this method generates simulated schema table row ID values that place FHIR inherited base fields together at the bottom of each resource display table, after all the other fields.

For alphabetical order, the resulting index guarantees the same UI behavior, but using a slightly different convention, to cause the indexes to sort at the end alphabetically.

classmethod GetLongestDocumentedPath(schema As %String, path As %String) as %String
Given a path that begins with a resource (and optionally also has a colon separator and field path separated by zero or more dots), find the longest parent path within this path (beginning at left) that matches a Path column entry in the schema table. That is: the longest documented path that is a parent of this path.

The result might be the same as the input path, but could be a parent of the input path.

The resulting path might only consist of the resource (left of the colon).

Every documented path is a top path, but many top paths are not documented paths. Top paths (in the ^SchemaMap.Paths global) are derived at import time, based on documented paths (in the schema table).

classmethod GetLookupNamesFromClassMethodValue(toUtil As %String = "", Output sourceLookupName As %String = "", Output targetLookupName As %String = "", Output sourceSchemaName As %String = "", Output targetSchemaName As %String = "") as %Status
The returned schema names will be in delivery form, as if returned from $$$MapGenSchemaPackage(schema), that is "vSTU3". To use them for typical SchemaMap.Tool calls, that is "FHIR3", first convert them using $$$MapGenSchemaMapper(schema).
classmethod GetNextChildFromRemainderPath(schema As %String = "", typePath As %String = "", ByRef childPath As %String = "", ByRef remainderPath As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod GetSDA3DataTypeInfoFromColumn(schema As %String, type As %String, Output typeShortName As %String, Output simpleType As %String, Output generalType As %String, Output codeType As %String, Output codeStatus As %String, Output valueSet As %String) as %Status
Input argument type is a data type string which may contain names of SDA3 classes that are data types.
classmethod GetTypeWithValueSetForCode(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "", type As %String = "") as %String
If the schema is FHIR and the input path is a field within Coding or CodeableConcept, record in the Paths global that the field is a subfield within a code object.

If the field is also type code or Coding, get the FHIR value set restriction from the parent (or grandparent) object, Store the modified type in the DataType node of the Paths global and return it as the method value. Also store the ancestor field Description in the Description node of the Paths global for the input path.

In all other cases, return the input argument type unchanged, and leave the Paths global unchanged.

classmethod GetVariantFieldPath(schema As %String, variantRoot As %String, typeName As %String, caseQuantityName As %Boolean = 0) as %String
variantRoot gives a documented FHIR path that is a variant root (ending in "*") and typeName is one of the documented FHIR data types for this variant root. This method returns the correct field name for this variant, according to FHIR naming conventions.
classmethod IsPathChildTypeCircular(schema As %String, path As %String, childType As %String) as %Boolean
This method uses $$$MapIs macros as shortcuts, so is not accurate until after the Paths global has been generated by importing CSV files. If needed before that, the method could be rewritten using logic that doesn't use the Paths global.
classmethod ParseFieldFromPathStartsWith(path As %String, startsWith As %String) as %String
classmethod ParseLeafFromPath(path As %String) as %String
The input argument path is expected to be a full path, but it may be resource or resource:element or resource:field.field.field or element or field.field.field - The result is the rightmost "leaf" field in the path, or the resource if there is no : (colon) in the path.
classmethod ParseParentFromPath(path As %String) as %String
This method returns the next IMMEDIATE parent of the input path. It does not skip levels. It does not check whether this parent is a documented path vs. a subpath. It just gets the parent.

Expects a full path including resource name, colon separator, and field path with dot separators, and possibly [n] in it.

If the input path string has no colon separator, return "" (indicating that we are already at the top resource).

Otherwise, parse the input path string to the right of the colon, to get the next level up in the path (working around the [n] convention for collection members). If the path to the right of the colon only had one node (has no dot separators), return the parent resource (left of the colon separator) without the colon (just the resource name).

classmethod PathContainsSubFields(path As %String, field As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Boolean
classmethod PathDown(schema As %String, ByRef path As %String, ByRef remainder As %String) as %Status
classmethod PathStartsWith(path As %String, startsWith As %String, Output compareLength As %Integer) as %Boolean
classmethod PathUp(ByRef path As %String, ByRef remainder As %String) as %Status
classmethod PivotTop(schema As %String = "", ByRef tryPath As %String = "", ByRef tryType As %String = "", ByRef remainder As %String = "", ByRef found As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod PivotType(schema As %String, path As %String, ByRef type As %String, ByRef remainder As %String) as %Status
classmethod RemoveListSuffixIfAny(path As %String = "") as %String
If there is a list indicator suffix [n] on the end of the input path, this method removes the suffix [n] and returns the path without the suffix. Otherwise it simply returns the path, unchanged.
classmethod ReversePair(pair As %String) as %String
classmethod SetPairFrom(pair As %String, schema As %String) as %String
classmethod SkipFHIRDeepSubpath(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "", subpath As %String = "") as %Boolean
Compare the current path of primary interest to the UI (such as the resource or FHIR BackboneElement whose mapping table we are viewing) with a subpath that we have encountered in the data (a longer path which starts from this path).

schema is the "from" schema for the current view. It must be FHIR. If the subpath is too long (more than 1 level below the current level) we wish to exclude it from display. In this case we return true.

Note: the UI offers the grid icon where needed to navigate down levels in the table.

classmethod StripExcessChildRepeats(schema As %String = "", ByRef tryPath As %String = "", ByRef tryType As %String = "", ByRef remainder As %String = "") as %Status
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