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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Data.Read

This class provides utility methods for getting useful information out of the schema and mapping data tables and the generated path-by-path globals: This class supports the "read" in CRUD, as long as it does not directly involve SQL. For the direct SQL API for this code, see the SchemaMap.SQL package.

Use caution when calling macros other than $$$MapLog* macros in this class. Methods in this class are called from SchemaMap.Tool.Build.Generate to generate the ^SchemaMap.Paths global upon which most of the macros are based.

Method Inventory


classmethod FHIRBaseFieldList(schema As %String, baseFieldList) as %Status
classmethod GetAncestorTransformDefault(from As %String, to As %String, source As %String = "", target As %String = "", type As %String(VALUELIST=",target,source")="") as %String
When the type is "target", This method derives the default TargetTransformation for a source resource, based on existing saved mapping targets for the same source resource.

It looks for the most common TargetTransformation among saved mapping targets for this source resource. If no such entries are found, or if the most common TargetTransform is in some way an invalid choice for the input target path supplied, the returned value defaults to the resource within the target path.

If there are no mappings for the source resource and the input target value is empty, an empty string is returned.

When the type is "source", everything is much the same, except that the result returned is based on SourceTransform values and are correct to use for SourceTransform choices.

classmethod GetAncestorTransformList(from As %String, to As %String, source As %String, Output targets, Output defaultTarget As %String, type As %String(VALUELIST=",target,source")="") as %Status
source is a resource name or a path in the source schema.

When the type is "target", this method gets a list of the TargetTransform values that the source resource has mappings to in the schema pair from:to. The method returns this list of names in targets.

The value assigned to each entry in the targets list is the count of field-to-field mappings from this source whose TargetTransform value is this name.

The output argument defaultTarget is the name in targets with the highest count. If there are no mappings for this source resource, defaultTarget is an empty string.

When the type is "source", everything is much the same, except that the results returned in targets and defaultTargets are based on SourceTransform values and are correct to use for SourceTransform choices.

See SchemaMap.DTL.Generate:GenerateTransforms.

classmethod GetAutoHandledIssues(mapIssues As %String) as %String
classmethod GetClassImportant(schema As %String, Output listClass) as %Status
classmethod GetDisplayOrder(pair As %String) as %String
classmethod GetFHIRBaseFieldsResultSet(schema As %String, Output result As %SQL.StatementResult) as %Status
DISTINCT in the query would affect capitalization, so de-duplicate results in the calling method.
classmethod GetFHIRVariantTypes(schema As %String, path As %String, Output typeList, Output caseQuantityName As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
This method returns caseQuantityName to flag a special case for field naming for this variant, according to FHIR naming conventions. The caller first retrieves this flag while calling GetFHIRVariantTypes() to get the list of all types, then uses it as an input to calls to GetVariantFieldPath() to retrieve the individual field names, type by type.
classmethod GetFieldChildren(schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, order As %String = "", Output fieldList) as %Status
GetFieldChildren is called any time the caller needs a list of the direct child fields of the path. Note this method does not recurse down levels; it returns only direct child fields of the input path. Omit order, or set it to an empty string, to get the list of fields in alphabetical order. Set order to "spec" to get the results in the same order as in the schema CSV file (for FHIR, this is FHIR spec order).
classmethod GetInfoPath(schema As %String, path As %String = "") as %String
When you have a schema and an original path (of arbitrary length, either top path or deeper path) and you need an InfoPath value (a top path that accurately represents this path and can be used to lookup information about this path in the ^SchemaMap.Paths global), call this method to either retrieve the InfoPath value, or call out to SchemaMap.Tool.Data.Parse:BuildInfoPath to derive it.
classmethod GetMapFlagRoot(flag As %String) as %String
classmethod GetMapIssuesHasRequired(issues As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod GetMappingsForLookupEntry(from As %String = "", to As %String = "", sourceTable As %String = "", targetTable As %String = "", Output sourcePath, Output targetPath, Output excludeList) as %Status
classmethod GetPathsFieldResultSet(schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, order As %String = "", Output result As %SQL.StatementResult, Output isBackbone As %Boolean) as %Status
Omit order, or set it to an empty string, to get the list of fields in alphabetical order. Set order to "spec" to get the results in the same order as in the schema CSV file (for FHIR, this is FHIR spec order).
classmethod GetPathsFieldsResultSet(schema As %String, resource As %String, Output result As %SQL.StatementResult, Output isBackbone As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod GetSDA3Important(Output listSDA3) as %Status
classmethod GetTrakImportant(Output listTrak) as %Status
classmethod GetUnhandledIssues(mapIssues As %String) as %String
classmethod InList(text As %String, listData) as %Boolean
text is any string, listData is any list (multidimensional variable). This method tests whether text is equal to any member in the list.
classmethod InPair(pair As %String, schema As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsAlpha(char As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsAlphaNumeric(char As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsClassDataType(schema As %String, path As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsClassImportant(schema As %String, path As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsClassPrimitive(schema As %String, path As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsClinical(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsCodeMapPairedWithCodeLookup(from As %String = "", fromPath As %String = "", to As %String = "", toPath As %String = "", dependsOn As %String = "") as %Boolean
If the mapping is FHIR (any version) to SDA3, and the input mapping (fromPath and toPath) has a DependsOn condition that does a code lookup that is the same as the code lookup being done by the ClassMethod value of some other mapping in the same table, and the lookup for both mappings is being done on the same lookup table entry, and the SourcePath (fromPath) and TargetPath (toPath) are the same in both mappings, then they are a related pair of mappings for the purpose of handling code lookups. In that case, return true. Otherwise return false.

MAINTENANCE NOTE: if some DependsOn values for this resource and its mappings involve more than just a call to a code lookup method, and there are multiple DependsOn values in the same resource that are also doing lookups on the same lookup table entry for the same SourcePath and TargetPath combination, then this method could return false positives, because it is not intended as a full-out condition parser. This limitation does not impact anything (at this time), because The tool is using this method to determine that the mapping is paired with SOME other mapping for the same resource, not to determine exactly WHICH other mapping it happens to be paired with.

classmethod IsDeFactoRequired(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsDocumentedPath(schema As %String, path As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIR(schema, path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRBase(schema, path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRCode(schema, path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRDataType(schema, path) as %Boolean
includes both complex and primitive data types
classmethod IsFHIRExtensionPairedWithOtherTarget(from As %String = "", fromPath As %String = "", to As %String = "", toPath As %String = "", dependsOn As %String = "", exclude As %String = "", otherTarget As %String(VALUELIST=",Numeric,Single")="") as %Boolean
If the input mapping (fromPath and toPath and dependsOn) has a FHIR extension as the toPath, see if there exists another mapping with the same fromPath and dependsOn, but with a different toPath. If so, examine the data type of that other toPath and see if it is the general type we are interested in, based on the otherTarget flag. otherFlag has a VALUELIST to indicate what kinds of general types we can examine in the other toPath: Numeric, Single, etc. If there are several such mappings, keep trying until either the finding is true or we run out of mappings that match.
classmethod IsFHIRFieldInCodeObject(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "", Output codeAncestorPath As %String = "", Output codeAncestorType As %String = "", Output pathCoding As %String = "", Output pathCodeableConcept As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRInheritedBasePath(schema As %String, path As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRMetadata(schema, path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRPrimitive(schema, path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRRequiredWithParentOptional(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "") as %Boolean
Typically this method is called when we already know the FHIR path is required, to get more information. However, to make the method more robust, it first verifies that the schema is FHIR and the path is required. Then it checks to see if we are in the special case we wish to check for. It returns true only if: schema is FHIR, the input path is required, its parent is BackboneElement, and the parent is optional.
classmethod IsFHIRResource(schema, path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsFHIRSingleReferenceWithParentList(schema As %String = "", path As %String = "") as %Boolean
This method first verifies that the schema is FHIR and the path is a single value and a Reference. Then it checks to see if we are in the special case we wish to check for. It returns true only if: schema is FHIR, the input path is a single value that is a Reference, its parent is BackboneElement, and the parent is a list.
classmethod IsFHIRStructure(schema, path) as %Boolean
e.g. Dosage or ElementDefinition - it is an Element, but not a BackboneElement, not a resource, not metadata, and not a data type
classmethod IsLowercase(char As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsMapped(from As %String, to As %String, row As %String = "") as %Boolean
Determines whether or not there is any saved column data in a mapping table row. For example, the row could exist but currently have no useful data in its columns.
classmethod IsMappedFrom(from As %String = "", to As %String = "", path As %String = "", package As %String = "HC", Output targetPath="", Output mapIssues="") as %Boolean
Determines whether or not there is any row in the mapping table that is populated from this path. If the row has Active=1 or is excluded from delivery via the ExcludeList value, the return value is 0 (false). Otherwise, a search is done from mapping table entries with this path as the SourcePath. The search is %STARTSWITH in case the mapping populates children of a source path (which would mean true). The targetPath and mapIssues values are output if the return value is 1 (true), to serve further reporting needs. Each output argument is returned as a $listbuild in case there are multiple mappings from this SourcePath. Note that in theory, the TargetPath and/or MapIssues column values may be empty strings while the return value is 1 (true).
classmethod IsMappedTo(from As %String = "", to As %String = "", path As %String = "", package As %String = "HC", Output sourcePath, Output mapIssues) as %Boolean
Determines whether or not there is any row in the mapping table that populates this path. If the row has Active=1 or is excluded from delivery via the ExcludeList value, the return value is 0 (false). Otherwise, a search is done from mapping table entries with this path as the TargetPath. The search is %STARTSWITH in case the mapping is to children of a target path (which would mean true). The sourcePath and mapIssues values are output if the return value is 1 (true), to serve further reporting needs. Each output argument is returned as a $listbuild in case there are multiple mappings to this TargetPath. There is no output argument for sourceValue, as there is no reporting need that it serves, for now. Note that in theory, the SourcePath and/or MapIssues column values may be empty strings while the return value is 1 (true).
classmethod IsNumeric(char As %String) as %Boolean
This method expects one character as input
classmethod IsPairInProject(pair As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsReportTypeInProject(schema As %String = "", reportType As %String(VALUELIST=",Clinical,Non-clinical")="") as %Boolean
classmethod IsResourceInProject(schema As %String = "", resource As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsResourceMostImportant(schema As %String = "", resource As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsResourceStrategic(schema As %String = "", resource As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3Code(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3CodeInteresting(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3CodeSimple(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3CodeTranslated(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3DataType(path) as %Boolean
includes data type classes only
classmethod IsSDA3Important(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3InheritedBasePath(schema As %String, path As %String) as %Boolean
Accepts either a full path or a field in the input argument called path. This method needs to be able to be called before the ^SchemaMap.Lists global is populated.
classmethod IsSDA3Primitive(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSDA3Resource(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsSchemaInProject(schema As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod IsSourceValuePairedWithFieldMapping(from As %String = "", fromPath As %String = "", to As %String = "", toPath As %String = "", sourceValue As %String = "") as %Boolean
If the input mapping (fromPath and toPath) has a non-empty sourceValue (a literal value is mapped to the target field), see if there exists another mapping for this resource with the same toPath that is a field-to-field mapping. If there is any such mapping, return true.
classmethod IsTrakDataType(path) as %Boolean
includes data type classes only
classmethod IsTrakImportant(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsTrakPrimitive(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsTrakResource(path) as %Boolean
classmethod IsUppercase(char As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsValidFromTo(from As %String, to As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsValidPair(pair As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod IsValueNumeric(value As %String) as %Boolean
This method expects a string of one or more characters as input
classmethod LookupInfoPathBoolean(schema As %String, path As %String, node As %String, default As %Boolean = 0) as %Boolean
classmethod LookupInfoPathString(schema As %String, path As %String, node As %String, default As %String = "") as %String
classmethod ValidateAncestorTransform(to As %String, toPath As %String = "", toXF As %String = "", type As %String(VALUELIST=",target,source")="") as %String
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