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deprecated class %iKnow.Semantics.DominanceQAPI extends %iKnow.Queries.AbstractQAPI

This is an automatically generated class, offering a functionally equivalent set of methods and queries as %iKnow.Semantics.DominanceAPI, exposed as SqlProc methods.

See the classdocs for %iKnow.Semantics.DominanceAPI for more information.

Method Inventory


classmethod GetCountBySource(domainid As %Integer, srcid As %Integer, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, cutoff As %Integer = $$$SDALL, Output scText As %String = "") as %Library.Integer [ SQLProc = DominanceQAPI_GetCountBySource ]
Projected as the stored procedure: DominanceQAPI_GetCountBySource

Returns the number of dominant terms found in a specific source. The type of elements counted can be set by the type parameter. Available types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATION, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC, $$$SDPATH and $$$SDAGGREGATE.

The number of elements counted can be limited to those with a dominance value above average by setting the cutoff parameter to $$$SDABOVEAVERAGE.

classmethod GetCountBySourceInternal(domainid As %Integer, srcid As %Integer, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, cutoff As %Integer = $$$SDALL, pUseProfile As %Boolean = 1, Output scText As %String = "") as %Library.Integer [ SQLProc = DominanceQAPI_GetCountBySourceInternal ]
Projected as the stored procedure: DominanceQAPI_GetCountBySourceInternal
classmethod GetDomainValue(domainid As %Integer, id As %Integer, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, Output scText As %String = "") as %Library.Numeric [ SQLProc = DominanceQAPI_GetDomainValue ]
Projected as the stored procedure: DominanceQAPI_GetDomainValue

Returns the dominance value of an element within a specified domain. The id parameter takes either an entityId, crcId or pathId and the type parameter defines of what type the id parameter is. Thus valid types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDCRC and $$$SDPATH.

classmethod GetProfileCountByDomain(domainid As %Integer, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, Output scText As %String = "") as %Library.Integer [ SQLProc = DominanceQAPI_GetProfileCountByDomain ]
Projected as the stored procedure: DominanceQAPI_GetProfileCountByDomain

Returns the number of dominant terms in the profile of a complete domain. The type of elements counted can be set by the type parameter. Available types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATION, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC and $$$SDAGGREGATE.

classmethod GetProfileCountBySource(domainid As %Integer, srcid As %Integer, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, cutoff As %Integer = $$$SDALL, Output scText As %String = "") as %Library.Integer [ SQLProc = DominanceQAPI_GetProfileCountBySource ]
Projected as the stored procedure: DominanceQAPI_GetProfileCountBySource

Returns the number of dominant terms in the profile of a specific source. The type of elements counted can be set by the type parameter. Available types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATION, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC, $$$SDPATH and $$$SDAGGREGATE.

The number of elements counted can be limited to those with a dominance value above average by setting the cutoff parameter to $$$SDABOVEAVERAGE.

classmethod GetSourceValue(domainid As %Integer, srcid As %Integer, id As %Integer, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, Output scText As %String = "") as %Library.Numeric [ SQLProc = DominanceQAPI_GetSourceValue ]
Projected as the stored procedure: DominanceQAPI_GetSourceValue

Returns the dominance value of an element within a specified source. The id parameter takes either an entityId, crcId or pathId and the type parameter defines of what type the id parameter is. Thus valid types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATIONM, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC and $$$SDPATH.


deprecated query GetAggregateOverlaps(domainid As %Integer, type As %Integer, set1 As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="", set2 As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="", page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10)
Selects id As %Integer, overlapSet1 As %Integer, pctSet1 As %Numeric, overlapSet2 As %Integer, pctSet2 As %Numeric, aggPct As %Numeric

Calculates the overlapping overlap of two sets of documents. First the overlap within set1 is calculated, then the overlap within set2. Finally those are compared and the most overlapping elements within those 2 sets are returned.

deprecated query GetBreakingSources(domainid As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="")
Selects srcid As %Integer, extid As %String(MAXLEN=32767), uniqueness As %Numeric

Returns the list of most breaking sources in a domain. The type parameter defines on which type of element you want the list of breaking documents to be based. This can be:

  • $$$SDCRC

query GetBySource(domainid As %Integer, srcid As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, cutoff As %Integer = $$$SDALL)
Selects id As %Integer, values As %List, type As %Integer, dominance As %Numeric

Returns all dominant elements for a specific source. The type of elements returned can be set by the type parameter. Available types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATION, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC, $$$SDPATH and $$$SDAGGREGATE.

The elements returned can be limited to those with a dominance value above average by setting the cutoff parameter to $$$SDABOVEAVERAGE.

deprecated query GetOverlap(domainid As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="")
Selects id As %Integer, values As %Integer, type As %Integer, overlap As %Integer

Returns the most overlapping elements in a domain. This can be restricted by type by setting the type parameter to any of those values:

  • $$$SDCRC

deprecated query GetOverlapDetails(domainid As %Integer, id As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="")
Selects srcid As %Integer, dominance As %Numeric, sentences As %List

Returns the overlap details of an element in a domain. The type of the element must be specified through the type parameter to any of those values:

  • $$$SDCRC

deprecated query GetProfileByDomain(domainid As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT)
Selects id As %Integer, values As %List, type As %Integer, dominance As %Numeric

Returns the dominance profile for a complete domain. The type of elements returned can be set by the type parameter. Available types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATION, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC and $$$SDAGGREGATE.

deprecated query GetProfileBySource(domainid As %Integer, srcid As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, cutoff As %Integer = $$$SDALL)
Selects id As %Integer, values As %List, type As %Integer, dominance As %Numeric

Returns the dominance profile for a specific source. The type of elements returned can be set by the type parameter. Available types are $$$SDCONCEPT, $$$SDRELATION, $$$SDENTITY, $$$SDCRC, $$$SDPATH and $$$SDAGGREGATE.

The elements returned can be limited to those with a dominance value above average by setting the cutoff parameter to $$$SDABOVEAVERAGE.

deprecated query GetSourcesByCorrelation(domainid As %Integer, entids As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="", page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="")
Selects srcid As %Integer, extid As %String(MAXLEN=32767), correlation As %Numeric

Returns a set of documents wich correlate closely to the input set (entids) of entities based on the dominance values of those entities within the documents.

query GetTop(pDomainId As %Integer, pPage As %Integer = 1, pPageSize As %Integer = 10, pFilter As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="", pAggregation As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="AVG", pEntRole As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, pSkipLists As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="")
Selects entUniId As %Integer, entity As %String(MAXLEN=32767), score As %Numeric

Returns the top entities for this domain, sorted by their aggregated dominance values.

pAggregation defines how to aggregate the source-level values. Currently the only supported value is "AVG", which just calculates a regular average as a fast approximation. Future versions will offer more advanced aggregation modes (which may be slower to calculate).

deprecated query GetTypicalSources(domainid As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pagesize As %Integer = 10, type As %Integer = $$$SDCONCEPT, filter As %String(MAXLEN=32767)="")
Selects srcid As %Integer, extid As %String(MAXLEN=32767), coverage As %Numeric

Returns the list of most typical sources in a domain. The type parameter defines on which type of element you want the list of typical documents to be based. This can be:

  • $$$SDCRC

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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