class %DeepSee.KPIWorksheet extends %DeepSee.AbstractKPI
A specialized KPI that gets its values from a saved "worksheet". The worksheet information is obtained using the %DeepSee.UserLibrary.Worksheet class.Method Inventory
Return the caption as defined in the XML for this KPI.
Return the logical name for this KPI.
classmethod %GetKPIValue(pKPIName As %Library.String, Output pValue As %Library.String, pKPIProperty As %Library.String = "", pSeries As %Library.String = "", ByRef pFilters As %Library.String, pCellContext As %Library.String = "", ByRef pCacheKey As %Library.String, Output pPctComplete As %Library.Integer, pParentQueryKey As %Library.String = "", Output pKPIStatus As %Library.Status) as %Status
Get a specific value from this KPI.
Overridden to bypass the generic machinery in the abstract base class implementation.
Overridden to bypass the generic machinery in the abstract base class implementation.
classmethod %OnGetKPIPropertyInfo(ByRef pList As %String, pPropNo As %Integer, pModelId As %String = "") as %Status
Add additional properties beyond those defined in the KPI block.
This takes the form:
pList(n) = name
pList(n,"defaultValue") = value
pList(n,"columnNo") = #
pPropNo is the number of next open slot in the list.
pList(n) = name
pList(n,"defaultValue") = value
pList(n,"columnNo") = #
pPropNo is the number of next open slot in the list.
method %OnLoadKPI() as %Status
Notify subclass that KPI is has just be executed.
This is a good place to override properties, such as range and threshold.
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- %filterValues
- %fromCache
- %id
- %message
- %rangeLower
- %rangeUpper
- %seriesCount
- %seriesNames
- %source
- %thresholdLower
- %thresholdUpper
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ApplyDefaults()
- %CheckResource()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ClearKPICache()
- %ConstructClone()
- %CreateKPIController()
- %CreateModelInstance()
- %DeleteModel()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetFilterDisplayValue()
- %GetFilterKey()
- %GetFilterLogicalValue()
- %GetJSValidationCode()
- %GetKPICaption()
- %GetKPIClassTimeStamp()
- %GetKPIPropertyCaption()
- %GetKPIValueArray()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetPropertyInfo()
- %GetSourceType()
- %InvokeAction()
- %IsA()
- %IsAsync()
- %IsCacheable()
- %IsModified()
- %IsPublic()
- %IsReadOnly()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnCopyDataFromModel()
- %OnCopyDataToModel()
- %OnDashboardAction()
- %OnDeleteModel()
- %OnDeleteSource()
- %OnExecute()
- %OnGetActionList()
- %OnGetFilterList()
- %OnGetFilterMembers()
- %OnGetKPICaption()
- %OnGetListingResultSet()
- %OnGetListingSQL()
- %OnGetPropertyInfo()
- %OnInvokeAction()
- %OnLoadModel()
- %OnNewSource()
- %OnOpenSource()
- %OnSaveSource()
- %OnStoreModel()
- %OnSubmit()
- %OpenModel()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %PrintValue()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SaveModel()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %SubmitHandler()
- %ValidateObject()
- ConvertParameter()
- Decrypt()
- Encrypt()
- EscapeHTML()
- EscapeURL()
- HyperEventCall()
- HyperEventHead()
- Include()
- InsertHiddenField()
- InsertHiddenFields()
- IsPrivate()
- Link()
- OnHTTPHeader()
- OnPage()
- OnPageError()
- OnPostHTTP()
- OnPostHyperEvent()
- OnPreHTTP()
- OnPreHyperEvent()
- Page()
- QuoteJS()
- RewriteURL()
- ShowError()
- StartTimer()
- StopTimer()
- ThrowError()
- UnescapeHTML()
- UnescapeURL()