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class %ZHSLIB.PackageManager extends %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.CLI

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = HSPM;


classmethod Import(ByRef pCommandInfo)
classmethod IsAvailable(pModuleName As %String, pNamespace As %String = "", pArgs...) as %Boolean
classmethod PrintTree(ByRef pTree)
Prints a tree with unicode box art Tree representation should be: pTree() = $listbuild(, , ) With the first node in node #1 (no root - it can have siblings), and the subscripts are sequential according to pre-order (which is how the tree will be displayed, one node per line).
classmethod RunDependencyAnalyzer(ByRef pCommandInfo)
Run Dependency Analyzer for the given module
classmethod Shell(pCommand As %String) as %Status
classmethod ShellScript(pCommand As %String, pOutputLogFile As %String = "", pAppendToLog As %Boolean = 0)
Runs package manager commands in a way that is friendly to the OS-level shell. Creates pOutputLogFile if it does not exist. If it does, and pAppendToLog is true, appends to it; otherwise, deletes the file before outputting to it.
classmethod UpdateLanguageExtensions(pVerbose As %Boolean = 0, pTestOnly As %Boolean = 0, Output pFound As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod Version(pModuleName As %String, pNamespace As %String = $Namespace) as %String


query ActiveNamespaces()
Selects ID As %String, Name As %String
SQL Query:
select Nsp,Nsp from %SYS.Namespace_List(0,0) where Status = 1
query SourceControlClasses()
Selects ID As %String, Name As %String
SQL Query:
select Name as "ID",Name from %Dictionary.ClassDefinition_SubclassOf('%ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Extension.SourceControl.Interface')

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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