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persistent class %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Annotation.CosEntity.ReturnValueProxy extends %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Annotation.CosEntity

SQL Table Name: %ZHSLIB_PackageManager_Developer_Annotation_CosEntity.ReturnValueProxy

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter AcceptableAnchorTags = ReturnValue;
Inherited description: tags that apply to the current entity, in addition to the universal ones (see CommonTags)
parameter XMLNAME = ReturnValue;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property DataType as %Dictionary.Classname (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Property methods: DataTypeGet(), DataTypeGetStored(), DataTypeIsValid(), DataTypeSet()
relationship ParentMethod as %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Annotation.CosEntity.MethodProxy [ Inverse = ReturnValue , Cardinality = one ];
Property methods: ParentMethodGet(), ParentMethodGetObject(), ParentMethodGetObjectId(), ParentMethodGetStored(), ParentMethodGetSwizzled(), ParentMethodIsValid(), ParentMethodNewObject(), ParentMethodOnDelete(), ParentMethodRClose(), ParentMethodRExec(), ParentMethodRFetch(), ParentMethodRelate(), ParentMethodSQLCompute(), ParentMethodSet(), ParentMethodSetObject(), ParentMethodSetObjectId(), ParentMethodUnRelate(), ParentMethodUnSwizzle()


method GetFriendlyIdentifier() as %String
Inherited description: a text string for identifying things in error messages and whatnot
classmethod GetOwnerClassProxyID(pID As %Integer) as %Integer


index (ReturnValueProxyExtentIndex on ) [Extent];

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (%ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Annotation.CosEntity)


Storage Model: Storage (%ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Annotation.CosEntity.ReturnValueProxy)

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