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abstract class EnsLib.EDI.BatchDocument extends EnsLib.EDI.Document

Common base class for VDoc documents that can contain other VDoc documents of the same type

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ChildCount as %Integer [ Calculated , Transient , ReadOnly ];
Number of Children
Property methods: ChildCountCompute(), ChildCountDisplayToLogical(), ChildCountIsValid(), ChildCountLogicalToDisplay(), ChildCountNormalize(), ChildCountSQLCompute()
property Parent as EnsLib.EDI.Document [ Calculated , Transient , ReadOnly ];
An object representing the original immediate parent document of this nested document, if nested
property ParentId as %String (COLLATION = "EXACT");
The ID:SegIndex of the immediate parent document of this nested document, if nested
Property methods: ParentIdDisplayToLogical(), ParentIdGet(), ParentIdIsValid(), ParentIdLogicalToDisplay(), ParentIdLogicalToOdbc(), ParentIdNormalize(), ParentIdSet()
property ParentIds as %String [ Calculated , Transient , ReadOnly ];
A $List of the ID:SegIndex's of all the enclosing parent documents of this nested document, if nested,in order from from immediate to outermost. E.g. for Id of enclosing batch document if we are a document within a batch document
Property methods: ParentIdsCompute(), ParentIdsDisplayToLogical(), ParentIdsIsValid(), ParentIdsLogicalToDisplay(), ParentIdsLogicalToOdbc(), ParentIdsNormalize(), ParentIdsSQLCompute()
property RawContent as %String) [ Calculated , ReadOnly ];
The raw text content of the document. Note that this is a truncated version suitable for use in SQL results and visual inspection, but not a complete or definitive representation of the document.
Property methods: RawContentDisplayToLogical(), RawContentIsValid(), RawContentLogicalToDisplay(), RawContentLogicalToOdbc(), RawContentNormalize()
property TopParentId as %String [ Calculated , Transient , ReadOnly ];
The ID:SegIndex of the outermost parent document of this nested document, if nested
Property methods: TopParentIdCompute(), TopParentIdDisplayToLogical(), TopParentIdIsValid(), TopParentIdLogicalToDisplay(), TopParentIdLogicalToOdbc(), TopParentIdNormalize(), TopParentIdSQLCompute()


method AddChild(pRefSegIndex As %Integer, pChild...) as %Status
To the current batch parent object, add one or more child objects as children of the DocsRef placeholder segment referenced by its index position in pRefSegIndex. (This is 2 for a simple batch parent with 3 segments: Header, DocsRef, and Trailer segments.)
method AddChildArray(pRefSegIndex As %Integer, ByRef pChildren) as %Status
To the current batch parent object, add one or more child objects as children of the DocsRef placeholder segment referenced by its index position in pRefSegIndex. (This is 2 for a simple batch parent with 3 segments: Header, DocsRef, and Trailer segments.) The children are objects passed as numbered subscript values in array pChildren whose top value is the count of child object values.
method ChildCountGet(pParentRef As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod GetChildIdsArray(ByRef pArray, pParentId As %String, pLeavesOnly As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
method NextChild(pChild As EnsLib.EDI.Document = $$$NULLOREF, pRefSegIndex As %String) as EnsLib.EDI.Document
method NextChildId(pId As %String, pRefSegIndex As %String) as %String
method ParentGet() as EnsLib.EDI.Document
method ParentGetObjectId(force As %Integer) as %String
Required for AutoForm
method ParentIdsGet() as %String
method TopParentIdGet() as %String
classmethod getChildCount(pId As %String, pRefSegIndex As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod getNextChildId(pParentId As %String, pId As %String = "", pRefSegIndex As %String = "") as %String
classmethod getParentIds(pParentRef, pSkipOne=0) as %String
method resolveChildDocType() as %String
Implemented in subclasses

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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