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persistent class EnsLib.HL7.SM.RuntimeData.Configuration extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: EnsLib_HL7_SM_RuntimeData.Configuration

Documentation of the Sequence Manager runtime global ^EnsHL7.SM:

The thread nodes:
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"thread",Type,Facility,Application,Thread,"next") = next message sequence number
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"thread",Type,Facility,Application,Thread,"list",sequence) = $lb($lb((MessageId,SessionId,PrimaryRequestHeaderId,MessageClassName),...)
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"thread",Type,Facility,Application,Thread,"wait") = $ZH time we started to wait

The index nodes:
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"wait index","thread",Type,Facility,Application,Thread) ="" Index on waiting threads. 

For Control ID and Sequence number duplication check:

 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"index","ct",Type,Facility,Application,control_id,message_id) = time
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"index","st",Type,Facility,Application,sequence_number) = time

The outbound sequence number:
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"output",Type,Facility,Application) = next sequence number to be used for output messages
   Type is derived from OutputSequenceNumberIndexField.
   If OutputSequenceNumberIndexField is Sender, SendingFacility or SendingApplication, then Type is Sender
   If OutputSequenceNumberIndexField is Receiver, ReceivingFacility or ReceivingApplication, then Type is Receiver
   If OutputSequenceNumberIndexField is Auto, then we look at PerformOutputTransformationOn
       If PerformOutputTransformationOn is Sender or SequenceNumberOnly, then Type is Sender
       If PerformOutputTransformationOn is Receiver, then Type is Receiver
       If PerformOutputTransformationOn is None, then we do not increment the outbound sequence number.

Timer set:
 ^EnsHL7.SM(ConfigName,"timer",BusinessProcessID) = ""
   This indicates a timer has been set on behave of a particular BP.
   The existence of this node would prevent other BP's from setting a duplicated timer.

         Type : "Sender", "Receiver"
     Facility : runtime variable
  Application : runtime variable
       Thread : "main", "resend"
   ConfigName : runtime variable

Documentation of the Sequence Manager metric global ^EnsHL7.SM.metric:

 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("total")               = total messages processed
 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("duplicated")          = total duplicated message count
 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("expired")             = total expired messages count
 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("outofsequence")       = total out-of-sequence message count
 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("duplicated",index)    = duplicated message
 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("expired",index)       = expired message
 ^EnsHL7.SM.metric("outofsequence",index) = out-of-sequence message

Property Inventory


property Name as %String [ Required ];
The name of the configuration
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
relationship Outbound as array of EnsLib.HL7.SM.RuntimeData.Outbound [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("EnsLib.HL7.SM.RuntimeData.Outbound","ConfigName",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = ConfigName , Cardinality = children ];
The outbound sub-objects
Property methods: OutboundGet(), OutboundGetObject(), OutboundGetObjectId(), OutboundGetSwizzled(), OutboundIsEmpty(), OutboundIsValid(), OutboundNewObject(), OutboundRClose(), OutboundRExec(), OutboundRFetch(), OutboundRelate(), OutboundSQLCompute(), OutboundSet(), OutboundUnRelate()
relationship Thread as array of EnsLib.HL7.SM.RuntimeData.Thread [ InitialExpression = $listbuild("EnsLib.HL7.SM.RuntimeData.Thread","ConfigName",+$this,"children",1,1) , Transient , Inverse = ConfigName , Cardinality = children ];
The thread sub-objects
Property methods: ThreadGet(), ThreadGetObject(), ThreadGetObjectId(), ThreadGetSwizzled(), ThreadIsEmpty(), ThreadIsValid(), ThreadNewObject(), ThreadRClose(), ThreadRExec(), ThreadRFetch(), ThreadRelate(), ThreadSQLCompute(), ThreadSet(), ThreadUnRelate()


index (IdIndex on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IdIndexCheck(), IdIndexDelete(), IdIndexExists(), IdIndexOpen(), IdIndexSQLCheckUnique(), IdIndexSQLExists(), IdIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IdIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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