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class EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.MessageAnalyzer.API.Batch extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Method Inventory


classmethod IniAnalyzeMessages(pIniFileSource As %String)
Given EITHER a path to an ini-style file OR an explicit string representing the ini-style file (string must contain at least one $Char(10))
Analyze message files as given in the ini file and write reports to destinations specified in the ini file

An ini file consists of sections, each containing one or more key assignments.
- a sections is a section name in square brackets
- a key assignment is of the form KEY=VALUE

The ini file in this case has two types of section: SETUP and MESSAGES

Just one SETUP section can appear in the ini file. It has the following keys:

  • DEBUG - controls extra logging - default is 0 (no extra logging)
  • SCHEMASPEC - a list or wildcard specification of schemas to load (format as in the shell) - if omitted the schemas are loaded for each message file as specified in the MESSAGES section
  • SETFLAGS - a comma-separated list of flag names to be set (as in the shell) - if omitted: no flags are set
  • BASEPATH - a path to a directory which is used as a base path for file specs in the ini file - if omitted the effective base path is the current working directory

Any number of MESSAGES sections can appear in the ini file. Each has the following keys:

  • MESSAGEFILE - file or folder containing HL7 messages (possibly stripped down)
  • QUIET - controls reporting level - default is 1 (minimal reporting)
  • SCHEMASPEC - like the SCHEMASPEC in the SETUP section but applies only to these messages
  • COMBINE - determins whether source message files are combined and analyzed together - default is 0 (don't combine)
  • LOGOUTPUT - target file for general logging output - default is to log to the current device
  • OUTPUT - target file for structured output of analysis records - default is to output this to the current device

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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