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class HS.BulkFHIR.Fetch.Util.SearchIter extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Iterator class which returns all results of a FHIR search, including paginated results

Method Inventory


method %OnNew(restClient As HS.BulkFHIR.Fetch.Util.RestClient, requestPath As %String, pSession As HS.BulkFHIR.Session, pGrouping As %String = "NoGroup") as %Status
@Input restClient Configured instance of HS.BulkFHIR.Fetch.Util.RestClient for a FHIR endpoint @Input requestPath Relative query path to be executed. Must be a query that returns a Bundle, eg. "Patient", "Patient//$everything" @Input pSession Session object which holds the BFC configuration and sessionId for multiple processes
method AtEnd() as %Boolean
@API Returns the next resource in the query's result set. May make an HTTP request for a subsequent page, if one exists and the iterator is at the end of the current page. @Output resource next resource in the result set @Output sc status for fetching the next resource @Returns a boolean indicating whether the iterator is complete (1 - continue, 0 - complete or error)
method Total() as %Integer

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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