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abstract persistent class HS.Util.SessionData.AbstractSessionData extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: HS_Util_SessionData.AbstractSessionData

Base class that allows any application data that needs to have a life cycle managed as part of a session to be associated with a general purpose Session object and cleaned up whenever the related Session object is deleted. To take advantage of this functionality, this class simply needs to be specified as a superclass, and the related Session needs to be specified in the Session property. Dedicated code can then manage the life cycle of the Session instance and trust that when that instance is deleted, all of the related data will also be deleted. It is important to note that the subclass has complete control over its storage, and may even declare the Session to be unique. In all cases, applications will need to control access to the data they store using this mechanism.

Property Inventory


property Session as HS.Util.SessionData.Session [ Required ];
Property methods: SessionGet(), SessionGetObject(), SessionGetObjectId(), SessionGetSwizzled(), SessionIsValid(), SessionNewObject(), SessionSet(), SessionSetObject(), SessionSetObjectId(), SessionUnSwizzle()


index (Session on Session);
Index methods: SessionExists(), SessionGet(), SessionGetObject(), SessionGetObjectId(), SessionGetSwizzled(), SessionIsValid(), SessionNewObject(), SessionSet(), SessionSetObject(), SessionSetObjectId(), SessionUnSwizzle()

Foreign Keys

foreignkey (Session) references HS.Util.SessionData.Session [OnDelete=cascade, OnUpdate=cascade];

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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