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class %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.ErrorMessages.MsgDomain extends %Library.RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor

Registered object representation of a domain in a localized error message document

Property Inventory


parameter NAMESPACE =;
Inherited description: NAMESPACE specifies the XML namespace to be used when projecting the class to XML. If NAMESPACE = "", the default namespace is used for the XML schema is used as the namespace for his class.


property Messages as array of %String);
Property methods: MessagesBuildValueArray(), MessagesCollectionToDisplay(), MessagesCollectionToOdbc(), MessagesDisplayToCollection(), MessagesDisplayToLogical(), MessagesGet(), MessagesGetObject(), MessagesGetObjectId(), MessagesGetSwizzled(), MessagesIsValid(), MessagesLogicalToDisplay(), MessagesLogicalToOdbc(), MessagesNormalize(), MessagesOdbcToCollection(), MessagesSet(), MessagesSetObject(), MessagesSetObjectId()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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