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abstract class %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Processor.Abstract extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Superclass for all classes used to process lifecycle events for resources

Method Inventory


parameter ATTRIBUTES;
Comma-separated list of resource attribute names that this processor uses
parameter DESCRIPTION;
Description of resource processor class (shown in UI)


method ApplyDefaults()
classmethod GetAttributeMetadata(Output pMetaArray) as %Status
classmethod GetDescription(pClassName As %String) as %String [ SQLProc = Abstract_GetDescription ]
Projected as the stored procedure: Abstract_GetDescription
method GetSourceControlInfo(Output pInfo As %ZHSLIB.PackageManager.Developer.Extension.SourceControl.ResourceInfo) as %Status
method OnAfterPhase(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
method OnBeforeArtifact(pExportDirectory As %String, pWorkingDirectory As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
method OnBeforePhase(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams) as %Status
method OnExportItem(pFullExportPath As %String, pItemName As %String, ByRef pItemParams, ByRef pParams, Output pItemHandled As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
method OnGetUniqueName(Output pUniqueName)
Returns a unique name for this resource. Default implementation, leaving pUniqueName undefined, reverts to default behavior. An empty string indicates guaranteed uniqueness (useful for folders relative to module root)
method OnItemRelativePath(pItemName As %String) as %String
Returns the path relative to the module root for item pItemName within this resource.
method OnPhase(pPhase As %String, ByRef pParams, Output pResourceHandled As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Called as phase pPhase is executed for the resource. If pResourceHandled is set to true, then the default behavior for that resource will be bypassed in the current phase. Currently, this is only used in the Verify phase, because of different handling of intermediate error statuses. TODO: Implement for standard database resources (.INC, .CLS, etc.)
method OnResolveChildren(ByRef pResourceArray, pCheckModuleOwnership As %Boolean) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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