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abstract persistent class DocBook.block extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: DocBook.block

The block is the basic content container for the DocBook database.

Property Inventory


property NearestLevel1 as %Integer;
ID (not blockid) of the nearest ancestor block that is served as a standalone page from the top -- ID of the nearest chapter, appendix, reference, refentry, or preface (or ID of a higher unit, if applicable). This is null for a set or book and should be non-null for all other block types.
Property methods: NearestLevel1DisplayToLogical(), NearestLevel1Get(), NearestLevel1GetStored(), NearestLevel1IsValid(), NearestLevel1LogicalToDisplay(), NearestLevel1Normalize(), NearestLevel1Set()
property Rank as %Numeric [ InitialExpression = 10000 ];
Property methods: RankDisplayToLogical(), RankGet(), RankGetStored(), RankIsValid(), RankLogicalToDisplay(), RankNormalize(), RankSet()
property RenderedTitle as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: RenderedTitleCompute(), RenderedTitleDisplayToLogical(), RenderedTitleGet(), RenderedTitleIsValid(), RenderedTitleLogicalToDisplay(), RenderedTitleLogicalToOdbc(), RenderedTitleNormalize(), RenderedTitleSQLCompute()
property Searchable as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
This property is 0 for , , and blocks that are small after we remove inline tags. It is 1 for all other blocks
Property methods: SearchableDisplayToLogical(), SearchableGet(), SearchableGetStored(), SearchableIsValid(), SearchableLogicalToDisplay(), SearchableNormalize(), SearchableSet()
property TopId as %String;
Blockid of the containing book or article, e.g., GOBJ. This is null for a set and should be non-null for all other block types. We will use this information to restrict search by book/article.
Property methods: TopIdDisplayToLogical(), TopIdGet(), TopIdGetStored(), TopIdIsValid(), TopIdLogicalToDisplay(), TopIdLogicalToOdbc(), TopIdNormalize(), TopIdSet()
property blockpos as dbfloat;
This block's position within its parent container.
Property methods: blockposGet(), blockposGetStored(), blockposIsValid(), blockposSet()
property book as book;
The book this block belongs to.
Property methods: bookGet(), bookGetObject(), bookGetObjectId(), bookGetStored(), bookGetSwizzled(), bookIsValid(), bookNewObject(), bookSet(), bookSetObject(), bookSetObjectId(), bookUnSwizzle()
property category as %String);
The category this block belongs to.
Property methods: categoryDisplayToLogical(), categoryGet(), categoryGetStored(), categoryIsValid(), categoryLogicalToDisplay(), categoryLogicalToOdbc(), categoryNormalize(), categorySet()
property component as component;
The component (chapter,refentry, or article) this block belongs to.
Property methods: componentGet(), componentGetObject(), componentGetObjectId(), componentGetStored(), componentGetSwizzled(), componentIsValid(), componentNewObject(), componentSet(), componentSetObject(), componentSetObjectId(), componentUnSwizzle()
property container as container;
The parent container to which this block belongs.
Property methods: containerGet(), containerGetObject(), containerGetObjectId(), containerGetStored(), containerGetSwizzled(), containerIsValid(), containerNewObject(), containerSet(), containerSetObject(), containerSetObjectId(), containerUnSwizzle()
property content as DocBook.IndexedText (MAXLEN = 100000);
The text content of this block.
Property methods: contentBuildValueArray(), contentChooseSearchKey(), contentCreateQList(), contentDisplayToLogical(), contentGet(), contentGetStored(), contentIsValid(), contentLogicalToDisplay(), contentLogicalToOdbc(), contentMakeSearchTerms(), contentNormalize(), contentSet(), contentSimilarity(), contentSimilarityIdx(), contentStandardize()
property extraTags as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Any extra tags associated with this block. We will use this information to restrict search by tags
Property methods: extraTagsDisplayToLogical(), extraTagsGet(), extraTagsGetStored(), extraTagsIsValid(), extraTagsLogicalToDisplay(), extraTagsLogicalToOdbc(), extraTagsNormalize(), extraTagsSet()
property id as id [ SqlFieldName = blockid ];
This is the string block ID (=DocBookID)
Property methods: idGet(), idGetStored(), idIsValid(), idSet()
property lang as cdata [ SqlFieldName = dblang ];
The lang attribute for this block
Property methods: langGet(), langGetStored(), langIsValid(), langSet()
property lastchange as %TimeStamp;
Timestamp for this block
Property methods: lastchangeDisplayToLogical(), lastchangeGet(), lastchangeGetStored(), lastchangeIsValid(), lastchangeLogicalToDisplay(), lastchangeNormalize(), lastchangeOdbcToLogical(), lastchangeSet()
property product as %String;
The product this block belongs to, based on the arch attribute of the containing book or article. We will use this information to restrict search by product.
Property methods: productDisplayToLogical(), productGet(), productGetStored(), productIsValid(), productLogicalToDisplay(), productLogicalToOdbc(), productNormalize(), productSet()
property remap as cdata;
Used primarily on books as the primary sort key to order them in the list.
Property methods: remapGet(), remapGetStored(), remapIsValid(), remapSet()
property renderedContent as cdata;
Some blocks may choose to pre-render their content for HTML and place it here.
Property methods: renderedContentGet(), renderedContentGetStored(), renderedContentIsValid(), renderedContentSet()
property role as cdata [ SqlFieldName = dbrole ];
The role attribute for this block
Property methods: roleGet(), roleGetStored(), roleIsValid(), roleSet()
property sourcefile as cdata (MAXLEN = 100);
The xml source file from where this block was loaded
Property methods: sourcefileGet(), sourcefileGetStored(), sourcefileIsValid(), sourcefileSet()
property sourcetime as %TimeStamp;
Timestamp of the source file for this block
Property methods: sourcetimeDisplayToLogical(), sourcetimeGet(), sourcetimeGetStored(), sourcetimeIsValid(), sourcetimeLogicalToDisplay(), sourcetimeNormalize(), sourcetimeOdbcToLogical(), sourcetimeSet()
property status as cdata [ SqlFieldName = dbstatus ];
The status attribute for this block
Within the DocBook standard, status is only available for certain elements. We define it here for consistency.
Property methods: statusGet(), statusGetStored(), statusIsValid(), statusSet()
property tagattrs as %Library.List;
This is a reconstituted list of the attributes supplied with this block.
Property methods: tagattrsGet(), tagattrsGetStored(), tagattrsIsValid(), tagattrsLogicalToOdbc(), tagattrsOdbcToLogical(), tagattrsSet()
property title as DocBook.IndexedText (MAXLEN = 1000);
Strictly speaking a block does not have title, a container does. This is defined here for convenience.
Property methods: titleBuildValueArray(), titleChooseSearchKey(), titleCreateQList(), titleDisplayToLogical(), titleGet(), titleGetStored(), titleIsValid(), titleLogicalToDisplay(), titleLogicalToOdbc(), titleMakeSearchTerms(), titleNormalize(), titleSet(), titleSimilarity(), titleSimilarityIdx(), titleStandardize()


index ($block on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];
index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (IdIndex on id) [Unique];
Index methods: IdIndexCheck(), IdIndexCheckUnique(), IdIndexDelete(), IdIndexExists(), IdIndexOpen(), IdIndexSQLCheckUnique(), IdIndexSQLExists(), IdIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IdIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (NearestLevel1Idx on NearestLevel1) [Type = bitmap];
index (RankIdx on Rank) [Type = bitmap];
index (SearchableIdx on Searchable) [Type = bitmap];
index (TopIdIdx on TopId);
Index methods: TopIdIdxExists()
index (bookIndex on book) [Type = bitmap];
index (bookPos on book,blockpos);
Index methods: bookPosExists()
index (categoryIdx on category);
Index methods: categoryIdxExists()
index (componentIndex on component) [Type = bitmap];
index (containerIndex on container) [Type = bitmap];
index (contentIdx on content(KEYS)) [Type = bitmap];
index (extraTagsIdx on extraTags);
Index methods: extraTagsIdxExists()
index (productIdx on product);
Index methods: productIdxExists()
index (titleIdx on title(KEYS)) [Type = bitmap];

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (DocBook.block)


Storage Model: Storage (DocBook.block)


Storage Model: Storage (DocBook.block)



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