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class Publish.Utils

Method Inventory


classmethod ChooseVersion(extraWhere="", checkoutprompt=1) as %ListOfDataTypes
Lets you choose a version and builds a a %ListOfDataTypes that contains all the releaseIDs for that version (as specified in the relinfo files), EXCLUDING HealthShare and InternalOnlyRelInfo files as well as any relinfo files that have purely alphabetic "version numbers". Prompts you to check the files out. If you say y, the method returns the list. if you say n, you get an empty list instead.
classmethod CompileExclusionList(ByRef docbookobj As Publish.DocBook = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Updates ^Settings("EXCLUSIONS") from the relinfo file
classmethod CreateNewVersion()
classmethod GetRationalizedExclusionList(ByRef docbookobj As Publish.DocBook = "") as %String
classmethod Initialize(verbose As %Integer = 0, check As %Boolean = 0) as %Boolean
Initialize the tables from files
classmethod InitializeAndChoose(verbose As %Integer = 1) as %String
Gives user a selection of products and then releases. When user selects a release, this method sets the DocBook configuration globals.
classmethod LoadedMatchesInstalled(verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Boolean
This method returns true or false to indicate whether the underlying instance matches the loaded DocBook content. Use this to determine whether to suppress links to the local Class Reference.
classmethod MarkAsNoUpdates()
classmethod MarkAsNotLatestVersion()
classmethod PublishVersion()
classmethod SetCanonicalBaseURL(ReleaseID As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean)
Set the global ^Settings("CanonicalBaseURL") appropriately for the release ID given in the ReleaseID argument.
classmethod SetGlobals(ReleaseID As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1) as %String
The ^docmaint routine calls this when you select a release ID. Given a release ID, this method sets nodes in several key globals that are used when we load content and when we render content. This message returns a warning message or an empty string.
classmethod ShowBuildSpec(ReleaseID As %String = "")
Utility method
classmethod UpdateMRForVersion()
classmethod UseSelectedBuildSpec()
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