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class Utils.GetServerInfo

This class is responsible for getting information from/about the doc. servers

Method Inventory


parameter FILETOCHECK = /staging/learning/website/landing/index.html;


classmethod ArchiveDirs(verbose As %Boolean = 1)
look at what we have locally for each server and ask whether to move anything that doesn't match instance inventory
classmethod GetDirectBaseURL(servername As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetIsOnCodeReload(instanceName As %String, hostName As %String, instanceProduct As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod GetIsOnDailyLoad(instanceName As %String, hostName As %String, instanceProduct As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod GetServerGroup(servername As %String) as %String
classmethod GetServerListForReporting(whichServers As %String = "") as %List
classmethod GetServerTimes(username As %String = "", password As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod HasDocBookJ(sftp As %Net.SSH.SFTP = "", server As %String = "", instancedirectory As %String = "")
Utility method. This method checks to see if there is a /csp/docbookj directory in instancedirectory. If there is, the method returns 1. Otherwise it returns 0.
classmethod HasExeFile(sftp As %Net.SSH.SFTP = "", server As %String = "", instancedirectory As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1)
Utility method. This method checks to see if there is a cache.exe or iris.exe file in instancedirectory/bin. If there is, the method returns 1. If there is no .exe file, the method returns 0.
classmethod PromptForServerCredentials()
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