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class Utils.Misc

Method Inventory


classmethod CheckURL(httprequest As %Net.HttpRequest, url As %String, ByRef ReturnCode, ByRef finalURL, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Boolean
classmethod CreateHTTPRequestForJIRA(username As %String = "", password As %String = "") as %Net.HttpRequest
Returns an instance of %Net.HttpRequest that can talk to our JIRA server. Centralize this logic because we'll use it in more than one place.
classmethod CreateJIRAForFeedback(feedbackid As %Integer = "144384", username As %String = "", password As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Creates a JIRA task and returns its key
classmethod CreateJIRAForMRNotes(changeid As %Integer = "DP-412701", comment As %String = "sample comment", username As %String = "", password As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Creates a JIRA task and returns its key
classmethod DisplayDirContents(directory As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1) as %String
classmethod ExportRecordsTooLongData() as %Status
Export data on records too long for Algolia in DBMTables.Central.DBMErrors to CSV format.
classmethod ExportTable(sql As %String = "", exportfilename As %String = "") as %Status
used by the Export options in the UI--unrelated to the rest of the methods in this class
classmethod GetBookListFromId(docbookid As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Given a DocBookId for a SET, return a string that contains a comma-separated list of the DocBookIds of the books in the set. String is suitable for display.
classmethod GetDBMBuildDir() as %String
We load files from this location.
classmethod GetDirItemType(directoryitem As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1) as %String
Given a filename, directory name, or maybe symbolic link, returns the type of that item

F=file, D=directory, L=link

classmethod GetDocURL(docbookid As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetDurationString(seconds As %Integer = 0) as %String
Given a duration in seconds, returns a string of the form n seconds OR n minutes OR n hours, depending on what's most useful for humans.
classmethod GetFilenameFromId(DocBookId As %String) as %String
classmethod GetFilenameFromSETId(docbookid As %String) as %String
For reasons I don't understand, we treat sets differently than other files and do not permit multiple sets of the same name on the path.
classmethod GetHTMLViewerURL()
classmethod GetHTTPRequestForURLTesting(timeout As %Integer = 30) as %Net.HttpRequest
Given a Jira ID (like DOCS-6162), return a link to that Jira. If no Jira ID is provided, just provides a link to the Jira server homepage.
classmethod GetRemapFromId(docbookid As %String) as %String
Given a DocBookId, go to the database and return the remap value of that item. This applies only to books, articles (I think), and SETs.
classmethod HaveWideContent() as %Boolean
this test looks for wide content (aka Japanese) by looking at book & article titles & subtitles
classmethod SetupJiraCreds()
classmethod SetupSSLConfigForTesting()
classmethod WriteDBMURL()
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