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abstract class Ens.BPL.Activity extends Ens.BPL.Node

Base class for all Activity nodes. An Activity is an action of some kind which is executed by the BPL runtime

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SubActivities;
This holds the subactivity list


property ActivityID as %Integer;
This holds the unique id for this activity
Property methods: ActivityIDDisplayToLogical(), ActivityIDGet(), ActivityIDIsValid(), ActivityIDLogicalToDisplay(), ActivityIDNormalize(), ActivityIDSet()
property Annotation as %String);
This holds the user documentation for this Activity
Property methods: AnnotationDisplayToLogical(), AnnotationGet(), AnnotationIsValid(), AnnotationLogicalToDisplay(), AnnotationLogicalToOdbc(), AnnotationNormalize(), AnnotationSet()
property Disabled as %Boolean;
This holds the 'disabled' status for the activity.
Property methods: DisabledDisplayToLogical(), DisabledIsValid(), DisabledLogicalToDisplay(), DisabledNormalize(), DisabledSet()
property Name as %String (MAXLEN = 255);
This holds the name of the activity..For most activities this name is optional but for some it is required e.g. Ens.BPL.Process
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property XEnd as %Integer;
This holds the X position for the associated closing shape of the gui representation of this node
Property methods: XEndDisplayToLogical(), XEndGet(), XEndIsValid(), XEndLogicalToDisplay(), XEndNormalize(), XEndSet()
property XPos as %Integer;
This holds the X position of the gui representation of this node
Property methods: XPosDisplayToLogical(), XPosGet(), XPosIsValid(), XPosLogicalToDisplay(), XPosNormalize(), XPosSet()
property YEnd as %Integer;
This holds the Y position for the associated closing shape of the gui representation of this node
Property methods: YEndDisplayToLogical(), YEndGet(), YEndIsValid(), YEndLogicalToDisplay(), YEndNormalize(), YEndSet()
property YPos as %Integer;
This holds the Y position of the gui representation of this node
Property methods: YPosDisplayToLogical(), YPosGet(), YPosIsValid(), YPosLogicalToDisplay(), YPosNormalize(), YPosSet()


method DisabledGet() as %Boolean
Determine whether this Activity is disabled
method DisplayName() as %String
Provide a user readable string which identifies this node
method GenerateAnnotation(pStream As %BinaryStream)
method GenerateXML(pStream As %BinaryStream) as %Status
This generates the common XML attributes for this Activity

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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