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Method Inventory


method ContainsItem(pItem As %String) as %Boolean
At minimum, ContainsItem() must be supported. It returns 1 iff the given pItem is in the set S
classmethod Find(pSetName As %String) as %DeepSee.SetBuilder.Find [ SQLProc = Find ]
Projected as the stored procedure: Find
method GetChunk(pChunk As %Integer) as %Binary
For a given .pChunk, return the corresponding actual bitmap string
method NextChunk(ByRef pChunk As %Integer = "") as %Binary
Inherited description:

This method simulates the usage of $ORDER() to traverse through the chunks of a bitmap index or a bitmap temp-file that would represent the set S.

For a given chunk number pChunk, find the first chunk number > pChunk and return it in .pChunk, with the method return value being the corresponding actual bitmap string. Return .pChunk="" if none found.

Note that when returning a positive .pChunk, it's OK for the returned bitmap b to have no bits set to 1, including b="" . On the other hand, it's also OK for the method implementation to skip such a chunk and proceed to the next pChunk.

This method must be implemented when %FIND is used.

method NextItem(pItem As %String = "") as %String
Inherited description:

The NextItem(), NextItemInclusive(), PreviousItem(), and PreviousItemInclusive() methods are required when %INSUB is used. They emulate the usage of $ORDER() to iterate over the set of values S as if it was stored in a subscript, similar to a subscript layer in a regular index. The input parameter pItem and the returned item iterate in a sequence through all the elements of S, following the normal Cache subscript order ( "]]" ), starting and ending with "", exactly as $ORDER() does.

For a given pItem, return the first item > pItem

method PrepareFind(pSetName As %String) as %Status
method PreviousChunk(ByRef pChunk As %Integer = "") as %Binary
Inherited description:

This method simulates the usage of $ORDER() to traverse backwards through the chunks of a bitmap index or a bitmap temp-file that would represent the set S.

For a given chunk number pChunk, find the first chunk number < pChunk and return it in .pChunk, with the method return value being the corresponding actual bitmap string. Return .pChunk="" if none found.

Note that when returning a positive .pChunk, it's OK for the returned bitmap b to have no bits set to 1, including b="" . On the other hand, it's also OK for the method implementation to skip such a chunk and proceed to the next pChunk.

This method must be implemented when %FIND is used.

method PreviousItem(pItem As %String = "") as %String
For a given pItem, return the first item

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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