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SQL Table Name: %DeepSee_SetBuilder.ListingTable

Property Inventory


parameter MANAGEDEXTENT = 0;
Inherited description: The MANAGEDEXTENT parameter can be set to 0 (zero) to cause the Extent Manager to ignore this class. If set to 1 then the Extent Manager will register globals used by the class and detect collisions. Unmanaged extents (MANAGEDEXTENT = 0) are not checked. Currently, only classes using default storage (%Library.CacheStorage) can be managed.


property queryKey as %String [ SqlFieldName = _SBQueryKey , Required ];
Property methods: queryKeyDisplayToLogical(), queryKeyGet(), queryKeyIsValid(), queryKeyLogicalToDisplay(), queryKeyLogicalToOdbc(), queryKeyNormalize(), queryKeySet()
property targetId as %String [ SqlFieldName = _SBTargetId , Required ];
Property methods: targetIdDisplayToLogical(), targetIdGet(), targetIdIsValid(), targetIdLogicalToDisplay(), targetIdLogicalToOdbc(), targetIdNormalize(), targetIdSet()


index (ID on queryKey,targetId) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDCheck(), IDDelete(), IDExists(), IDOpen(), IDSQLCheckUnique(), IDSQLExists(), IDSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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